Chapter 63: Mistake?

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I gulp as I see Aaron looking at me disappointed, "I herd about the vampires, your mother asked me to come get you" Aaron says staring right through me "I have it covered" Ryder says putting his hand around my waist, "I'm sure you would have saved her after fucking her against an alley way wall, but there's a difference between putting her in more danger and saving her" Aaron says rudely, I look down at the ground "now if you'll back the guck off and take your filthy hands of her is like to protect her" Aaron says, I take a deep breath "excuse me? I'm sorry that your love life is all loose ends" Ryder says, Aaron and Ryder start having a fight over me and all that crap. "BOTH OF YIU SHUT UP BEFORE I PUT A BULLET BETWEEN YIUR EYES!" I yell they both go silent and stare sat me. I walk into the middle of them "I'm leaving, you guys can do what you want" I say as I go to leave but Aaron grabs my arm "I don't think so" Aaron says. I roll my eyes as he drags me to his car.
I sit in his car staring out the window "Aaron I feel sick" I mutter, he rolls his eyes and ignores me "Aaron I feel sick" I repeat he grunt meaning he wants me to shut up "Aaron you haven't talked to me in 2 weeks now you show up playing hero, why?" I ask he shrugs "your mum told me to" he said coldly. I gulp and look out the window "Aaron.." I whisper "what?!" He practically yells getting frustrated, I put my legs up on the chair and he looks at me annoyed so I put them down "I feel sick" I whisper he ignores me "Aaron I fucking feel sick!" I yell he brakes hard making me hit my head on the dash board "whoops" he says sarcastically.

He pulls over on the side of the road "Skyla can you shut up and let me drive" he says annoyed I quickly open the door and get out throwing up. He also gets out and grabs my hair holding it out of my way. I get up and wipe my mouth as I start crying, he quickly wraps his arms around me holding me tight "I'm sorry I didn't know you were actually sick" he whispers as he strokes my hair. I pull away and get in the car staring out the window.
"Skyla" he whispers as he puts his hand on my thigh. "I'm sorry" I say as I look over at Aaron he raises an eyebrow "I'm sorry about Ryder and I" I say looking away, he growls. "Skyla why would you let him touch you like that?" Aaron asks I cross my arms "Aaron your not my boyfriend I'm aloud to have other guys touching me, so stop acting like you own me" I say annoyed he looks over at me annoyed "yeah we aren't together but stop acting like such a slut and fucking every guy that calls you pretty" he yells. I go silent and stare out the window, he takes his hand off my thigh and stays silent.
We get to my house and I open my door before the car even stops. I get out and walk towards the door, I feel Aaron grabbing my waist and spinning me around, he leans me against the car. He leans down to kiss me but I push him off "you just called me a fucking slut you jerk and now you expect me to kiss you?! Fuck you!" I yell he grabs my cheeks roughly "Skyla you need to learn to close that dirty mouthed yours" he says as he smirks at me "let me go" I yell he holds me against the car he stares at me hungrily "Let me go!" I yell he rolls his eyes "you didn't seem to mind when Ryder did it" he says annoyed, he grabs my wrists hard and pins me to the car "A-Aaron your h-hurting me" I stutter as tears form in my eyes. His grip loosens and he lets go and looks away. I slide down the side of the car till I'm sitting on the ground with my knees up, I cry as I dig my head into my knees. I feel Aaron wrapping his arm around me, I pull away and he sighs "I'm sorry Lila I don't know what came over me" he whispers as he looks up at the clouds.

I take a deep breath and wrap my arms around him laying in his lap as he strokes my hair.

"I'm sorry, I got jealous" he says, I look at him and sit up. I giggle "I know Aaron" I say he nods and looks forward "I'm sorry you had to see me pinned against a wall about to" I say trailing off at the end he nods and wraps his arms around my waist, "I better go" I say he looks at me and I look back at him "before you go..." he says nervously I grin "yes" I say knowing he was going to ask for a kiss. He cups my cheeks as he lightly kisses me, I wrap my arms around his neck and slip my tongue into his mouth, he freezes surprised then he licks my new piercing as he kisses me.
He finally pulls away smirking "I like your piercing" he says as he lightly touches my lip with his thumb.
I hug him and play with his hair "goodbye Aaron" I say standing up and walking to the front door, I look back and see Aaron staring at me. He blows a kiss, I giggle and walk inside.

I walk in and my mums smirking at me "what?" I ask, she chuckles "you an Aaron are hitting it off" she says I giggle "mum his my ex" I say she pulls me into a hug "Darling it's obvious you both love each other" I roll my eyes and walk upstairs.

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