Chapter 3

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In a bar, Kuma sat and leaned his back in comfortable sofa on the corner of a dimmed room. There was a soft sound of piano played on the other corner. He held and played his glass with his index finger and sipped the drink once in a while. It didn't take so long for his order to come. A waiter brought an extra big size of a basket of French fries and a plate of extra jumbo hamburger.

"Arigato," he said and smiled politely. When Kuma was about to open his mouth to a very big burger he ordered, somebody's voice was heard from his back.

"You are still eating those? You're getting older man!"

"Minami kun!" He almost threw his burger away but funny thing he thought it was too dear to be thrown away. He then put down his favorite meal in the plate in from of him. He then wiped his lips.

"Aw man! Hisashiburi! How do you know I'm here?"

"Your wife told me. Man, you sure love each other that she knew where exactly you went doesn't she?"

Kuma smiled. The woman she married was the girl she used to help back then in High School. After a long time they finally saw each other and the love just sprang back.

"She didn't cook today, so I decided to have my dinner here."

"You got your own ramen restaurant then you still got your meal out?" Minami laughed, he took out a cigarette and lit it in front of kuma.

"You smoke?" Minami asked, offered his cigarette box to Kuma.

"No thanks," I gave up smoking five years ago."

"Eeehhh?! Lot's have changed from you man," he smiled as he threw a soft fist on his chest then looked around. He suddenly threw a wide smile.

"Uchi!" He spread his arms as if ready to be hugged.

Uchiyama accepted him with an open arms. They hugged and tapped each other's shoulder.

"Minami, you're bigger now!" Uchiyama laughed.

"Kuma! Hisashiburi!"

"Yeah man!" Kuma tapped Uchi's shoulder and hugged him.

"Where's Noda?! I thought he's coming with you,"

"Aaah yeah, that! He called me earlier and said that he'll be a bit late. He's got something to do first." Uchi looked through the window as he answered Minami's question. He gazed outside to the dimmed light on the corner of the street.

"Hope you'll make it," he whispered inside.

"Hey, uchi.." Kuma's tap on his shoulder startled him.

"Aah haik, aaah arigato!" He smiled and accepted the glass Kuma handed him.

Kuma stared at him curiously, he knew there's something his long best buddy's hiding.

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