Chapter 7

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The park in the middle of the city was a bit quiet. The air was so chill. It was almost winter. A guy in black overall coat was sitting on the edge of an almost frozen fountain. His shoulder length wavy jet black hair was tied back neatly. Showing the long sturdy neck. His eyes were fixed to the child playing on the picnic mat in the middle of the park. This kid looked so happy, the mom was fixing their picnic lunch.

This lady had medium length wavy hair. It seemed that she's still young. Once in a while they laughted as if they're throwing jokes to each other. What a splendid sight to be seen. However, what this guy saw was just in his imagination. Actually there's only an old lady sitting on the bench near him. She rose up and left.

This guy shook his head. He frowned his face while he sucked the last bit of his cigarette and threw the bud away to the bin next to him. He always imagined the same thing.

"If just she's still around, perhaps she would've had…"

"Shin!" A voice startled him from his imagination.

"I knew it, I'll find you here."

The guy who happened to be called 'Shin' stared back to his long buddy Noda. His eyes fixed to him. The thick eyebrows frowned and rendered. There was no smile come up from his face.

"There you are, acting cold, yappari," said Noda smiling.

"I knew well, it's you buddy, even if you had grey hair and got old we won't mistaken you from anyone else."

"Hisashiburi, genki deska?" Replied Sawada in a cold manner. His voice was a bit deeper now, deeper an huskier. He pouted his lips, as if he was talking to an enemy. All his mannerism was far from being friendly. He didn't even look at Noda in the eyes.

"Genki desu, how about you," Noda tried to throw his best amile, even his heart wouldn't let him to do that. He felt this awkwardness crept into the air. The chemistry was no longer there anymore.

"Look, I went to your parent's house the other day, we were trying to…" said Noda, his sentence wasn't finished yet.

"Stay away from my family okay, it's no longer your concerns anymore," Sawada quickly snapped in a cold mannerism.

He tucked his both hands into the overall coat he wore - indeed it was quite cold that day - he was trying to leave.

"What's wrong with you?!! Damn! What's wrong with you Shin??!" Noda felt furious.

He kicked a trash bin next to him. It was half empty so the bang sound was heard so loud that anyone passed would looked at the scene.
Sawada stopped. He inhaled deeply. He didn't answer Noda's question. His mouth was pouted and he closed his eyes and sighed.

"Everyone was missing you! Everyone was looking for you! We met the other day, you're the only one who didn't show up, I called you but you didn't answer. If you had something in your mind at least let us know, man!"

Sawada didn't answer. He left Noda alone with an open mouth.
As Sawada waked away, actually his own mind was wondering. There was a chunk of guilt he felt. It wasn't his pride that moved him to act like that. It was deeper than that.
Nobody knew there was a huge sorrow he carried for so long. Not that he forgot how to be more open to his old buddies. Not that he didn't miss them all. Everything he felt right in his chest was even heavier that he wished he wouldn't act so cold.

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