Chapter 5

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Yankumi walked slowly after a long day at school. It was her first meeting though. She was enjoying the fresh air breezed through her ears. It was a 'not so bad' day at all she thought. Meeting a the new students. They're not as scary as she thought before.

"Today's kids," she thought.

Her new sannen D students were surprisingly more obedient. They're more humble and somehow more quiet. Much more quiet!

"Aaahhh, I wonder how's the guys would be if they were as quiet as these new kids I met in class."

Yankumi giggled all by herself when she was trying to imagine those dorks back then, when the first time she became a teacher and stepped in her feet to this 'horror' class, but acted as if they're like her students now. Kuma with a polite manner, Uchiyama, Noda, Minami…

"Ugh… no no… they're fine that way!" She shook her head in rejection.

As the path she walked on was getting narrowed, she just realized and looked up.
She was in the middle of the bridge she passed, this small bridge where she saw Sawada Shin laying on the grass by the bank of the river. The way he glared her, it was totally unforgettable.

"Sawada!! Don't be late okay!!" That's how she called him outside the school for the first time.

And that time this boy was just as mysterious as the story the students told about him. A brilliantly clever but cold looking boy who happened to be trapped and ended up with the rest of the dorks in class.

"Yankumi!!" Somebody called her from the back and woke her up from the daydream she had.

"Aaaahhhhh!! Noda! Noda! Is that you?!!" Oh my!!" Yankumi jumped happily when she realized a man who called her name is one of the dorks she was just thinking about.

Noda looked bigger. His body is sturdier. He was holding his twins hands.

"Are these your twins?" Yankumi widened her eyes in amazement.

"Yeah, two of my brats! Hahaha!" Noda laughed.

He still got this same Joker like smile. But now his cheeks are chubbier.

"You're a daddy now, I'm so happy"

"Yeah, I guess fate bumped me to my meant to be earlier than the other guys" replied Noda.

"You were the first one who got married?"

"Yups, me first, then Kuma."

"Aaah, I'm happy to hear that." Yankumi sniffed, as usual. Sometimes she's so easy to be carried away.

"How about the rest of the guys?"

"Uchiyama has already got a plan, to marry his long time girlfriend."

"Aah, the one he met at the onsen?!"

"Yup, that's her"

"But poor Minami, he just got a divorce. His wife ran away with a famous idol group member, hahaha"

"Aaah, poor Minami kun…" Yankumi sighed.

"But Minami is Minami, he's a cheerful one. Now he already got a new girlfriend."

"That's good!" Yankumi replied in a very high tone her voice almost hurt Noda's ears.

"How about Sawada? You heard about him?"

"That's what we are still talking about, we…"

"Papa! Hurry! Let's go!" The twins voice cut their conversation.

"Okay girls! Look I gotta go. I'll come by if I have time okay.." Said Noda in a haste.

"Aah, okay… send my best regards to your wife and all the boys in case you meet them again"

"Okay, I will… Jya ne.." Noda waved his hand, he hurriedly chased his two children.
He was a bit right calling them 'brats' though..
Yankumi smiled, she continued her walk. But this time her mind was lingering, thinking back about her mysterious student.

"Sawada, I wonder where you are..." She sighed…

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