Chapter 24

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The sky is getting dark. The wind blew that evening was even colder than before. The trees behind the abandoned hangar were rustling to each other as the wind cast them side to side. It was raining, but not so hard.
A hard breathe heard as the bushes rustled, two shadow appeared from the thicket.

"Ahh... A little bit more, just a little bit more... Come on, you can walk, can't you?"

Yankumi was trying to lead Sawada to a safer place, she put his right hand around her neck and lifted a bit of his body by using her left hand.

"Yankumi..." Sawada's weak voice suddenly startled him.

"Yes, Sawada?" The voice came from him seemed has made Yankumi a bit nervous.

She stopped their journey and decided to loosen her grips from Sawada's arm. She let him sat down for a while on a big root spread from a giant tree nearby. She looked around and made sure nobody was following them. There's a thick bush in front of her. She thought, they wouldn't be seen as the sky got dark.

"Aaahhh, my head... Where are we?" Sawada grabbed the back of his head. Those guards hit him so hard that he got a headache. The dizziness was still there, all his sight was a bit fuzzy and blurred.

"It's okay. We're safe now. Damn I hit that guy hard haha!" Said Yankumi confidently while blowing her fists to her side and it almost hit her student. As usual Yankumi was trying to be comical but of course there was no time for her to act weird and it ended up awkward between two of them.

"Why you took me here Yankumi..." Asked Sawada weak.. He's still in pain

"Aahh uuh.. We got to get away from those bad guys!" Answered Yankumi nervously. She pouted her lips to make herself looked serious and to hide his nervousness at once.

"But I thought you could just call Minami..."

Hearing the words Yankumi felt unease, she was then searching for her flipped hand phone in her pocket.

"Of course I will, but first I need to take you away from those guys!" Defended Yankumi. She nodded, trying to convince her student, as 'still' she had this thought,'man, he's so handsome!' XD

Sawada grinned, his eyes were still shut. He still couldn't get himself together. His hair was a mess that it covered all his face. He leaned his head to a big trunk behind him and coughed, and grinned.

Yankumi took out her hand phone. She goofily tried to find signals by rising her hand up to the sky, and checked, rose and checked back. As she rose the hand phone Sawada glared at it and widened his eyes, It was the same hand phone he found and returned to her long ago, but of course he didn't say anything. His head was to pained to give such a reaction.

"Aaahhh, no signal." Muttered her.

She finally sat down next to him who was still holding his head, all the hair covered his face. Those pale long fingers were still the same. There was a big silver ring around his point finger. He's still the same Sawada, Yankumi thought.

"Ne, Sawada..." Yankumi braved herself to begin the conversation. She thought this is probably the right time for her to find out more about what's going on.

"Why do you go this far?"

"What do you mean," Sawada asked back in a soft deep voice. He's still in pain.

"Is it that hard to accept the reality? It's been more than fifteen years."

Sawada didn't answer answer. He kept his head up, looking at the leaves above him. He was still coughing once in a while and holding on his head.

"I mean, I understand how you feel. But can't you just accept the reality. This is not you. This is not Sawada I used to know." Continued Yankumi.

This time Sawada didn't reply. Like Yankumi's words hit him hard. He didn't even tried to explain or talk back. The pain on his head gradually decreased. Yankumi's voice was like a comfort remedy. It somehow soothes his heart.

"They ran over there! I saw them earlier!" A voice from a far startled them. Then some hurried steps heard as it was getting closer and closer.

"Yabai! They'd found us!" Shouted Yankumi panickly.

"Hurry! Let's get away from here!" Said Yankumi in a haste, but she was too late.

"Not so fast Lady!" Said a voice from behind.

Yankumi sigh, she thought 'damn, I was too late'.

"Oh yeah?! Demo, I need to go back home! I gotta class tomorrow!" Said Yankumi in a comical gesture. Then she unexpectedly turned her body, gave a twist and rose her feet high. She gave her unexpectedly powerful kick right on the man's face, turned back and blew another kick, and fist, and kick and fist.

Sawada was very surprised by what his Sensei did. he quickly moved back while sitting down, gave her some space to fight back. He didn't even try to stop her, he thought, 'this is Yankumi you're handling, you gotta be watch out'. The other guy near him was about to catch his feet but he quickly stroke them strongly right on to the guy's stomach. The guy who couldn't keep his balance fell back and his body crashed to a bush near him.

From only two meters distance he witnessed her sensei fight like a real lady hero he saw in a movie. His sharp eyes went bigger as he blinked in surprised. Yankumi was still as strong as sixteen years ago. The final blow was landed on the guy's side burn and he straightforwardly fell down to the ground. Bam! Just like that! As simple as that!

"Don't mess up with me!" That's her final words. As she left Sawada in awe staring at her with his widened eyes  with an open mouth.

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