Chapter 23

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The wind blew that time was getting colder. The hangar was more quiet then the guys thought. Seemed like nobody's there. Finally, Kuma, Noda, and Uchiyama found it. They stopped the car immediately. The squeeking sound from the brake could tell, they were driving in speed. Uchiyama jumped out of the car in a haste,

"Hurry!" Shouted Uchi as he jumped out the car.

Noda and Kuma were following. Too bad Kuma's body was too large that he needed an extra struggle to get out from the back seat. Did I forget to mention that it's a van? (^_^)

"Matte minna!!"

Noda pulled Kuma's hand. His body stuck between the seat and door.

"You should have bought a car with bigger door Uchi!" Complained Kuma.

"Shut up you polar bear! Just lift that ass a little!" As he freed Kuma from the seat, Noda fell down and Kuma unexpectedly tripped on his own feet and landed freely on Noda's back.

"Aaagghh! Kuma"

"What do you think you two doing! Hurry! Baaka!"

Uchi who ran far before them went back.

"Kyaah, no wonder why I ran alone,"

Then they all ran to the field across the abandoned airport.

There are more than five hangars with so many chests and huge boxes everywhere. Uchiyama ran frantically. He was trying to search his best buddy and the beloved sensei. Kuma chased him from behind, panting and Noda was trying to reach Minami from his handphone. He rose his hand up trying to find some signals.

"Damn! Where the heck are we anyway?! Why, no signal!"

"Guys, please slow down. I'm getting older here," shouted Kuma in almost unheard voice for he was easily exhausted from what he so called "running".

Uchiyama suddenly stopped. He spread his right hand up and his left hand on his mouth.

" hush! Be quiet guys, somebody's coming!"

A quick step heard from the back of a thick wall in front of him. The step was so fast that it seemed that this guy was like half running. Kuma grabbed Uchiyama's shirt and pulled him,

"Ppsst... You step aside, this one is my turn..."

Uchiyama listened, he moved back. He knew that this huge healthy best friend could be counted on.

As Kuma hid behind the wall. The steps came closer and closer. A slight of panic shout came out from the guy's mouth, he's running while still trying to communicate from the walkey talkey he held.

"Boss! They ran away!"

Then suddenly, a hard blow landed on his face as he finished his sentence. Oh yeah, Kuma had just hit him really hard so this man fell down like a timber and passed out.

"Auch! Damn it hurts!" Grunt Kuma.

"Wow, you still got your power man! Haha!" Uchiyama smiled goofily.

"What should we do with this guy minna?" Asked Noda with a confused expression.

"Let's tie him over there and push him to talk."

"Ooww oww oww... Not so fast guys,"
A voice suddenly startled them. As one by one some men came out from different directions. The unconscious guy was pulled back so fast by this guy's men to their side

"RYU?! Is that you?! You're Odagiri Ryu?! Right?!!" Kuma suddenly recognized the guy who was talking behind him.

"Who is Odagiri?!" Asked Noda.

Nobody answered his questions. Kuma's eyes stared straightly right to the tall guy in front of him. His small mouth was pouted as he talked.

"So you're on the bad guy side, ne, Ryu?! How shameful!" Kuma spit as he finished his sentence.

"Shut up!" The tall guy with blond hair in front of him was suddenly at ease.

He looked restless for his identity was discovered by a guy who used to help him long time ago.

"Why are you here? Why are you all here?! You're looking for some trouble eh?!" The guy named Odagiri took out his gun as if he was ready to fire. He gave signals to all his fellow guards behind him to get cautious and prepare their positions.

"You, ungrateful brat!" Shout Kuma angrily.

"Kuma, stay calm." Said Noda,

"Ugh! Let me go!" The guy behind him suddenly grabbed his arms from behind. Noda was trying to struggle but he was too late, a tackle on his ankle dropped him to the ground.

"Uchi!!! Uchiyama!! Run buddy!!" He was shouting and trying to tell his buddy to get away from the hangar they're in, but unfortunately it was also too late.

Uchiyama was already kneeled down behind the two fat guy who tied him in a thick rope and stuffed his mouth by using a white handkerchief. He was limping and his side burn was bleeding.

"What did you do to him Ryu?! How could you?!"

This Odagiri guy smiled. He took the gun out and aimed to Kuma's face. Noda couldn't do anything. His hands were tied now, and Uchiyama was laying down not so far from him.

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