Chapter Eight

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Reluctantly I left Bella with Harry to go get their ice cream. They’d probably have more fun without me anyway. It…sort of bugged me how attached Bella seemed to Harry already. She hated when other people held her, and here she was, choosing Harry over me. It was…different. But I guess I really had no choice but to adjust to it.  

I sauntered down the street about five blocks to the little grocery store I liked to do my shopping at. 

“Hello Wendy.” I greeted the old woman at the register with a smile. 

She and her husband owned the shop, and were used to seeing me here with Bella. 

“No little one today?” she asked, smiling at me. 

She always spoiled Bella, giving her little sweets and other tidbits when she thought I wasn’t looking. 

“No, she went off with her dad for the day.” I responded, picking up a basket. 

Wendy raised her eyebrows in surprise but said nothing. She didn’t know WHO Bella’s dad was, all she knew was that he just wasn’t around. 

I wandered down the aisles, pulling out the necessities for the week, 2 loaves of bread, nutella, a bag of apples, and some bananas, cereal for Bella, a carton of milk, and one of apple juice, hesitatingly, I grabbed a bottle of wine, nothing expensive, but I hadn’t had ANYTHING to drink in awhile. After about a half hour of shopping, I brought my purchases over to Wendy, who silently began to ring it all up for me. 

When she reached the end, I realized something; I was going to carry all of this seven blocks home, by myself, and it looked like it would start raining soon. 

“That’s 98 pounds Lucy dear.” 

Great. I’m 40 pounds short. 

Sighing, I pulled Harry’s card out of my pocket, handing it to her. Wendy slid the card, and then handed me my receipt smiling. 

“Tell Isobelle I missed seeing her, and she has a treat waiting for her the next time she stops in.” 

“Of course Wendy. I’m sure she’ll be upset she didn’t get to come in.” 

Grabbing my bags, I staggered out of the store, heading back down the street. After a couple steps, I decided I would stop at Alex’s flat and have Harry drive me back out later to pick this all up. This was too heavy to carry all the way home. And besides. I could apologize for our fight earlier. His house was about two blocks from the store, so I got there in no time. 

Lucky for me, Alex never liked locking the door, he hated having to remember keys. So I just twisted the door open, slipping inside, welcoming the warm air from the cool outside. But my jaw dropped when I saw Alex, making out with some random girl on the couch. 

“What the hell?!” I shrieked, dropping my groceries in a heap on the ground, I heard glass breaking as it hit the ground. 

Alex shot up, fear shooting across his face. 

“Lucy…I…I swear I was’s…I can explain!” 

I felt tears welling up in my eyes, no matter how much I didn’t want to cry and look like an idiot. The stupid slag that was all over him was glaring at me from the couch. 

“Who is she?” she asked in a stupid annoying whiny voice. 

“That’s…my girlfriend…” Alex muttered.

[***[EDITING]***] Dancing Styles (Harry Styles Fanfic) (Watty Awards 2012)Where stories live. Discover now