Chapter Twelve

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~*Lucy's POV*~

A few minutes after Harry left, there was a knock on the door. I had completely forgotten that we had ordered pizza. Man. It was a good thing that the delivery person hadn't come while Harry was here. That would have just been awkward. Well. The situation was already pretty awkward. I didn't know how to feel about any of this. I mean...Louis freaking kisses me, and then Harry comes in, professing his love to me?! Like...what the hell!?

I got up off the couch, grabbing a few bills out of my purse, and opened the door. I paid the delivery guy, setting the pizza down on the counter. Now to find Louis.

I wandered down to Bella's room, and saw Louis sitting next to her crib, singing softly to her. I smiled at the sight.

"The pizza's here." I informed him, leaning against the door frame.

He smiled at me,

"Alright, I'm coming. Don't eat it all." he teased me.

I rolled my eyes and headed back into the kitchen, pulling paper plates out of the cupboard, and setting three slices on Louis' plate, and only putting one on mine.

Louis may be skinny, but damn, could that boy EAT. They teased Niall for eating a lot, but

Louis sure can give him some competition in the eating department.

I started to munch on my slice of pizza, recounting the day. A part of me wished that I hadn't met Louis at the airport. Some of the drama could have been avoided then. Maybe. Or maybe it all would have just continued building up into something worse.

I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I didn't even notice when Louis sat down in his seat across from me, and began eating.

"Are you gonna just sit and stare at your food or actually eat it?" he teased me, halfway done with his second piece.

My face flushed red and I took another bite of my pizza.

"Look...about earlier.." he said, and I immediately lost my appetite.

"Yeah..?" I said hesitantly.

This couldn't be good. Oh my god. He thinks its all a mistake. Ohmygod he hates me now and hes gonna leave and What'll happen to Bella and Harry and -

"I really like you lot." he said shyly, looking down at the table.


" do?"

"Yeah...I just...I guess I figured that...with the whole Harry situation...I just...didn't want to mess things up with you and him and Bells. But...I figured with how he was'd be better to step in now before he can mess this up anymore than he has..."

I just stared at him. I honestly couldn't wrap my head around this. This much to take in in one day.

"Lucy? Are you okay...?" Lou asked, worry flashing on his face.

I nodded, pushing my plate away slightly.

"I...I just need to take a walk. Please keep an eye on Bella." I muttered, before grabbing my coat and walking out the front door.

~*Harry's POV*~

I was sitting in Liam's living room, at his table, while he explained this to me. That we'd have to go through court, and it would honestly be a huge mess. He was trying to talk me out of it, saying it would be easier to just talk to Lucy, and work this out between the two of us.

[***[EDITING]***] Dancing Styles (Harry Styles Fanfic) (Watty Awards 2012)Where stories live. Discover now