Chapter Twenty-Four

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~*Lucy's POV*~

I looked up at Harry; he was sleeping, I brushed his curls gently out of his face, a small smile tugging at my lips. His right arm was draped over my waist, his left one cradling my head like a pillow, his fingers wound loosely in my hair. His breath was ticklingy face.

Careful not to wake him, I reached over and grabbed my phone off of the bedside table, and snuggled myself into him, kissing him softly. This woke him up enough to respond to my kiss, and I snapped the picture.

"Goodmorning." I whispered, kissing him again, smiling.

"Mmmm what was that for?" Harry asked, pulling me in closer.

I took the picture I had just taken, and uploaded it to twitter.

@Lucy_Styles: morning with the hubby!

"For being a good husband." I replied before kissing him again.

Louis made his choice. Obviously. He...didn't want me anymore. So now I had nothing holding me back from Harry. Part of the reason I didn't want to be with Harry was because of things being complicated with Louis. But if he had that...that other girl, I could be with Harry guilt-free.

"Why don't we go out somewhere today?" He asked me, his lips brushing mine.


"I'm not sure yet. But..somewhere Bella wants to go. Take a family day."

"That sounds nice." I told him, sitting up on my edge of the bed.

Harry reached his arms out, grabbing at me, but I scootched out of his reach.

"Ah ah ah. I need a shower." I told him, smirking, and wrapping a robe around my bare body, looking for clothes to wear for today.

"Can't I join you?" Harry asked me, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

I laughed at him.

"No. But you CAN make me breakfast." I sang.

Harry groaned, burying his head into the pillows.

"You only want me for my amazing cooking skills. It's not fair." he moaned.

"Well, at least you've figured out our relationship. It would have been awkward having to explain it to you." I giggled, before scooping up my clothes and dancing into the bathroom.

~*Louis' POV*~

I woke up sprawled across my kitchen floor, the vodka bottle empty on the ground next to me. My head was pounding, and the room was still spinning. I can't remember the last time I drank that much, although my reason was still the same. Her. It was always her. She affected me so much, and I'm still not sure whether that's good or bad. I could hear my phone going off from the other side of the room, and by the sound of it, it was my twitter notifications.

> I thought angrily, staggering to my feet, and across the room to retrieve my phone.

I opened the twitter app, and almost dropped my phone when I saw it. It was a retweet of a picture, that Lucy had uploaded, maybe ten minutes ago. And she was laying in bed, obviously naked, you could tell by how awkwardly the blankets were covering her up, and from the parts of her that were exposed...and she was kissing Harry, kissing him to wake him up, because I'd seen him sleeping, and he definitely wasn't fully awake for that picture.

My hand curled into a fist, and I slammed it into the wall next to me, welcoming the pain of my fist going through the wall. Why was she doing this to me? Whywhywhywhywhy? It was like I meant nothing to her anymore...

@Louis_Tomlinson: "@Lucy_Styles: morning with the hubby!

I didn't think twice before tweeting it. I didn't care at this point. This little had been over for awhile now. Nothing was the same. And if she was gonna play like this, well then I wanted nothing to do with her right now.

The way my phone was blowing up, I knew people were responding to my tweet, and retweeting it, so I just shut my phone off, dropping it carelessly onto the couch. I not in the mood for this anymore.

~*Lucy's POV*~

I stepped out of the bathroom, dressed and ready for the day, white skinny jeans, a black v neck t shirt, and a grey and black checkered scarf, with red suede boots that went halfway up my calves. I pulled my hair into a loose braid, with a few strands left out, framing my face. I opted for just a little mascara, with a little pink gloss on my lips today instead of red lipstick.

"mmm I smell pancakes." I said, grinning as I waltzed into the kitchen.

Bella was sitting on the counter, next to Harry, who was flipping the last few pancakes onto a plate.

"Mummy we match!" she giggled, and sure enough, she was wearing white pants and a black shirt, with her little red Toms Louis had bought her a couple days before the wedding. My throat constricted at the thought of him, but I just took a deep breath and smiled at her.

"Yes, we do baby. You look awfully adorable."

I walked behind Harry, wrapping my arms around him, resting my chin on his shoulder.

"You can go take a shower Haz, I can take over in here." I kissed him quickly on the cheek.

He didn't say anything, just slipped wordlessly out of the kitchen, leaving me alone with Bella.

Well...that was odd.

Then i saw his phone on the counter, twitter open.

I picked it up, scrolling through the messages, looking to see if any of them had caused his huffy mood.

Sure enough, I saw people had been retweeting our picture, we had a lot of people saying it was cute, but then, people were retweeting a tweet from Louis.

@Louis_Tomlinson: "@Lucy_Styles: morning with the hubby!

People were saying that i was cheating on Harry with Louis. And calling me a whore, and a slut, and...loads of other awful things. A bunch of them were saying they wanted me dead.

I just stared at the phone in shock.

I dialed Louis' number, tapping my foot angrily against the floor.

"Yeah?" he slurred when he answered, obviously drunk.

"WHY THE HELL DID YOU POST THAT ON TWITTER!?" I yelled into the phone.

He didnt answer at first, but I could still hear him moving around, so I knew that he didn't hang up on me.

"Well. You...yer the one that put the picture up. I just said the truth. are a whore. You were kissing me before you got married to him, right before the wedding even. and...and you kiss him when you get mad at dont love him. said you loved me. dont love either of us. youre...youre a whore. you are. you''ll sleep with anything that moves...if it makes you feel better than someone."

I hung up on him. I couldn't believe he had just said that. How could he have said that to me?!

I scribbled Harry a quick note,


Im sorry. I have to go talk to Liam. Take Bella out, go have fun. I just...need to take care of things.

Lucy xx

"Bella baby, go wait in your room for daddy, okay? He's gonna take you out today." I told her, setting her on the ground.

She nodded obediently and scuttled off to her room, I set the note on the table, right where Harry could see it before leaving.

If anybody would know how to deal with this, it would be Liam. He always knew how to handle things like this.


Wow. So....something's gotta be fixed! Are Lucy and Louis really done? What's gonna happen with Harry? Whew. This looks like it needs a lot of work :P lemme know what you think? Are you for Louis and Lucy, or Harry and Lucy? Let me know what you think! :D

[***[EDITING]***] Dancing Styles (Harry Styles Fanfic) (Watty Awards 2012)Where stories live. Discover now