Contest, Update Schedule, and Lucy! :D

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Dancing Styles Contest! :D 

Helloooooo my amazing fans and readers! :D 

So. As I told you before. It's contest time! 

So. It's pretty simple. Please don't think it's stupid >.< I'll cry. 

But Okay. Here goes. 

First off, the "prize" is to be the character in my next book, who is the girlfriend to one of the boys; (you need to tell me which one you want the boyfriend to be. A collab account? Im looking for someone to write with, and feel like...this is a good opportunity to find somebody(: and of course, you get a fan and dedication, and I'll mention you in the upcoming chapters, and your chapter will be posted in the story. 

So this is what you need to do for the actual contest: 

Chapters 21 and 22 are the "wedding scene" for Harry and Lucy. For the contest, I want you guys to write a one shot of the wedding, but the wedding doesn't go through. You pick what happens, but one way or another, the wedding gets called off. (I almost did this in the story, and I want to see how you guys would have done it) 


- Title your one-shot as "Dancing Styles Contest" 

- Once the one-shot is written, have an author's note at the bottom (like the ones I do) In the note will be your "form" for the character in the sequel. 

It needs" 

- name

- age


-hair colour

-eye colour

-nationality (american, irish, british, australian, etc) 


-anything else you find relevant to the story(:

You dont NEED a fancy cover or anything for your story, but it'd be neat if you had one (; 


For me to read your submission, you must either 

a) Dedicate it to me so it shows up on my page

b) post it on my message board

c) message the link to me

If it is put into the comments, I won't read it. I'm sorry. 

Im picking the winner off of: 




-whether or not it is submitted on time

-if you've followed all the directions 

Yes, I'm aware that my spelling and grammar is not perfect. And I DONT expect yours to be perfect. But I would like it to at least be decent please, otherwise collaborating on a story would be difficult. 

Submissions start today, and go through July 14th, at 12:00am. After that, i won't be taking any more. (The time is US eastern time, I live in Pennsylvania in the US, so it ends on my time, not yours.) 

**if you havent seen the Adventurous Adventures of One Direction -- Go watch it. Ohmygawd. I'm dying (x**

Anywho, GET WRITING GUYS!<3 (: I hope you guys want to try this, and I'm not like..wasting time with this )x


I've decided who is now portraying Lucy. Since none of you could really see Kat Von D as Lucy, I left it up to you guys, and Lucy Hale is now portraying Lucy. 

I AM working on something with Cher Lloyd and Louis, so I'll put that up when I get a few chapters written. Until then, love you guys, thanks for your support on the stories<3 

OH. One more thing. I forgot. Aren't I just scatterbrained today?! 

Okay. So. I need to start updating regularly. And, I've figured out how I'm doing that. 

Mondays -- Sign For Love uploads. 

Wednesdays -- My Night With Harry Styles uploads. 

Fridays -- Dancing Styles Uploads. 

Saturdays -- Fairytale Ending Uploads. 

Sundays -- Getting Over Emma Montgomery Uploads. 

Until I feel necessary, I wont add anymore stories, but I WILL be having uploads on Wednesdays and Thursdays with some other stories. 

I'm not guarunteed to upload EVERY week. But these are now the days that I will be uploading the stories. And on those days only, unless you meet the vote requests I have, which will be a LOT higher, more like 100-150 at least. So. That's all now. I promise. 

Love you guys, I'm done babbling<3 DONT KILL ME. 

[***[EDITING]***] Dancing Styles (Harry Styles Fanfic) (Watty Awards 2012)Where stories live. Discover now