Chapter Twenty-Six

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"So what's it say?!" Liam asked nervously from outside the bathroom door.

"It's not finished yet Liam." I chuckled, anxiously tapping my fingers against the counter, willing the five minutes to be over quicker.

"Can I at least come in?" Liam asked, sounding impatient.

I rolled my eyes and unlocked the door, causing Liam to stumble into the room.

That boy. Always leaning on the doors.

The test was sitting in the sink, I was tapping my fingers nervously on the counter, the sound of my acrylic nails filling the silence. Liam was staring hard at the test, as if he could make the test register faster by staring at it.

" don't need to watch it." I joked, nudging his shoulder playfully.

He smiled over sheepishly at me.

"What are you gonna do if you ARE? I kinda...really screwed up here." he sighed.

I gave him a pointed look.

"Actually, when this...happened, Harry wasn't back in the picture. It was a perfectly...stupid but acceptable thing to do. It wasn't like I was cheating on him or anything. I just...yeah."

The test beeped, and Liam and I bolted up, and I grabbed it.

"Ah shit." I growled.

"What's it say?!"

I handed the test over to him, and he stared at it, confused.

"What does it mean? Sorry. I don't speak girl."

I rolled my eyes at his comment.

"It means Louis gonna be a dad..."


3 hours later, 5 pots of coffee, and 1 1/2 movies later, Liam looked over at me.

"So how are you going to handle this? Because..if you tell Harry he'll kill Louis. And if you tell Louis...well. I don't know what Louis will do.."

"His new girlfriend would kill me." I muttered, and Liam looked at me, confused.

"Wait, new girlfriend?"

"Yeah. I walked in on him and some girl almost freaking doing it yesterday at his apartment. It was really awkward..."

Liam looked down at the cup of coffee in his hands.

"I doubt they're really together love. That's just...not like Louis. And he would have told you. He always tells you."

I laughed harshly.

"Yeah,well we haven't exactly been on speaking terms lately Li. He hasn't tried speaking to me once since the wedding."

"Are you going to tell him? guys seriously need to talk. You're best friends for god's sake. You can't just keep ignoring each other like this. It's tearing you two up."

I looked down at my fingers,which were lying limply on my lap. Would I tell him? SHOULD I tell him? Would it actually fix things or just make them worse...?

"You know what? No. I'm not telling him. I don't need Louis for this. He got to help with Bella. I don't need him for another."

Liam's eyes bugged out.

"You know you can't just...not say anything. This isnt just gonna go away! Somebody will notice and then you'll be screwed. Like...maybe your husband? He'll KILL you!"

I shook my head, trying to clear it.

"Nonono. I...I wait a bit. Just...wait. And...I'll tell Harry. He just...doesnt need to know it's Louis' It...this is what I need. If Harry thinks its HIS, then maybe things wont be so...tense with us? I dont know Liam! Things are so terrible right now, and I don't know what else to do. I'm scared Harry'll just do his usual stuff, and make me look like an idiot because he's off with other girls. I just..need a reason on why he should stay, and I think that this baby may be it..."

Liam looked at me warily, as if he wasn't sure I was making sense, or anything.

"Look, thanks for talking with me, and stuff. But I need to get back to Harry now. I'll call you later Li-Li." I said, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before bounding out of the apartment.

~*Liam's POV*~

I stared after her, shocked, and slightly confused.

Was she really going to try and go with her ridiculous idea?

Did she have any idea how risky it was?

What could happen if Harry found out?

Or Louis?

Or anybody OTHER than me and her?

I looked down at the test, still sitting in my bathroom sink.

Louis was one of my best mates. He would be so devastated if he found out.

I loved Lucy, but I couldn't risk letting her hurt Louis.

Picking up my phone, I dialed Louis.

"Yeah?" he slurred on the other end, obviously drunk off his ass.

"Hey can you come over? I need to talk to you." I said.

"Is it...important?" he asked, his words uneven and spaced out.

"Its about Lucy." I told him.

I heard him take a breath, and then sigh.

"I'll be right over." he said before hanging up.

I looked down at the test and sighed.

I was either helping her situation out, or she was going to kill me for screwing it all up.


so. Lucy's pregnant. Its Louis. but. she's gonna tell Harry its his. Whats Liam doing!? O: uhohhhh....

[***[EDITING]***] Dancing Styles (Harry Styles Fanfic) (Watty Awards 2012)Where stories live. Discover now