Chapter Thirteen

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~*Louis POV*~ 

Lucy's been gone for about three hours now. Bella was awake, and was starting to bug for her. I dialed her phone number for what felt like the hundredth time, and no surprise, there was no answer. 

"Damn it." I muttered, tossing my phone on the  couch. 

Bella tottered over and curled up on my lap, burying her face against my chest. 

"Louis wheres mum and daddy? I want mummy and daddy." her voice sounded on the edge of tears. 

"Bella, I'm daddy. Louis is daddy." I told her, rocking her slightly. 

She shook her head. 

"No. Daddy was here awhile ago. He was with a lady yesterday. He has eyes like me. We're the same!" 

I sighed. She was smart for a three year old. 

"I don't know where mummy  is." I told her, rocking her back and forth. 

~*Harry's POV*~ 

Lucy was laying next to me, sleeping, her chest gently rising and falling. 

I gently got up from the bed, careful not to move her too much as I made my way over to the door. 

"Liam?" I said softly, knocking on the door. 

I heard his footsteps coming. 

"Yeah?" his voice was muffled through the door. 

"Can you let me out? It's okay." I told him.

The door rattled on the hinges as he unlocked the door, and then he opened it, revealing a curious Liam.

"So how'd it go?" he asked, looking past me to see Lucy curled up on his bed.

"We're...starting over. She says she hasn't forgiven me, but we can start over."

He nodded in approval.

" better not let this one go. If you screw this up again...I swear. I'll kill you." 

I sighed. 

"I'm going to try my best. Can you watch over her? I have to go...take care of things with Amanda.'' 

Liam smiled. 

"Sure thing. Should I tell her you're coming back if she wakes up?" 

"Yeah. I shouldn't be more than thirty minutes." I told him before walking out to my car. 

~*Louis' POV*~ 

I pulled out my phone, dialing Liam. 

"Li?! Have you seen Lucy at all!? She went out for a walk a couple hours ago and disappeared. I can't get a hold of her anywhere!" 

Liam didnt say anything at first, and then said sort of shakily. 

"Uhm...erm...yeah. I dont...know. No I havent seen her..." 

I rolled my eyes. 

"Li? You're a shitty liar. Where is she." 

He sighed. 

"She's in my room."

I almost dropped the phone.

"Why the hell is she in your room?!" I yelled, Bella looked over at me from the tv show she was watching. 

"Dude. Chill. She was walking over to talk to me and it started to rain, so she borrowed some clothes and I let her sleep a little bit. I wouldn't try anything with her. I have Danielle. And besides. She has enough problems with the whole you and Harry problem." 

[***[EDITING]***] Dancing Styles (Harry Styles Fanfic) (Watty Awards 2012)Where stories live. Discover now