Chapter 59

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Chapter 59


~*Lucy's POV*~

I was standing in the kitchen, sipping tea, when a thought crossed my mind.

Before things had gone bad; Harry had bought us a dog; Max.

"Harry..what ever happened to Max? Because...he's not here..." I asked him, since he was sitting in the living room, right across from the kitchen.

"Oh. Uhmm. Well you see...Caroline. She was sort of allergic to him..and well...we sent him with another family so she wouldn't be uncomfortable here." he admitted sheepishly.

I nodded sadly.

I had liked the little dog. He was so cute.

"Nonono babe please don't be upset..we can get another dog if you want, I promise. won't be Max, I'm not entirely sure where he is..." Harry, said, jumping up and coming to wrap his arms around me.

I smiled up at him.

"You're beyond perfect, you know that?" I told him, kissing him softly.

"Mmmm I believe you've told me that before." he smiled against my lips, his forehead pressing against mine.

"I like reminding you." I told him. "You deserve to know. I hope you know...I don't feel I've...exactly shown it to you lately."

He sighed, running his fingers through my now short; cropped hair.

"Things were a tad...rough lately. But..I know. I really do know. You seem seem like you again. And I missed this side of you."

I smiled at him.

"They can only get better from here now love, you know that?"

"And they will get better. A million times better." Harry said firmly before capturing my lips with his again.

We had been doing that a lot since I came back. We were either talking or kissing. I mean hey; I wasn't complaining. I knew millions of girls would kill to be in my place. And a hell of a lot of people were going to be pissed that I WAS able to kiss him again whenver I wanted to again. I had thrown that chance away once, and here I was, getting ANOTHER chance at it. In some ways; it wasn't fair. This was 342791382190 chance at things. I did not deserve this many chances at thing. Honestly. And I didn't want to say that to seem like the pathetic "feel sorry for me" girl. Because I sure as hell wasn't that person. But really? Harry taking me back like this? Again? It was almost TOO perfect.

But again. I wasn't going to complain.

~*Louis POV*~

I rolled over in my bed, but felt a body next to mine. My first thought was honestly 'what the hell is Lucy doing here?' just because I was so used to waking up with her there. But then I remembered last night. Eleanor. The kiss. Well. Kisses. A whoooole lot of them. And she agreed to spend the night with me. No, we didn't have sex or anything. I'd known her what; 4 days? But..she did just sleep there with me. Which was comforting.

"Good morning." I heard her sleepy voice say, and felt her roll over.

"Morning love." I smiled, pushing a stray lock of hair out of her eyes.

"What time is it?" she asked, attempting to sit up to check, but not seeing a clock.

I didn't keep a clock in my room. Lucy didn't like them. Said they always woke her up too early.

"It is......10:43." I told her, checking the time on my phone.

"Ohmygosh! I have to go!" she exclaimed, throwing the duvet off and leaping out of the bed.

I chuckled slightly at her sudden burst of energy; and the fact she was only wearing one of my t-shirts.

"Work?" I asked.

"Yeah." she replied from the bathroom, where she was hurriedly brushing her teeth with my toothbrush; which I also found funny.

She didn't even seem to care; and the fact she didn't care was just...adorable.

"I promise to call you later?" she said, although it sounded more like a question as she slung on her black jeggings, not bothering to take my shirt off; just throwing her leather jacket on over it.

"Sounds good babe." I said, stepping over and brushing a quick kiss across her lips.

Her face heated up in a blush, and I liked that; the fact that I could make her blush.

We weren't dating. I didn't know what we were. But after last night, I figured I should at least be able to kiss her; nothing wrong with that aye?  

"I'll see you later then." she said sweetly, kissing me again before flouncing out the door.

W.O.W. she was aaaaaaamazing.

[***[EDITING]***] Dancing Styles (Harry Styles Fanfic) (Watty Awards 2012)Where stories live. Discover now