Chapter 37

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~*Harry's POV*~

I sat there, staring at the screen. At first, it didn't really register to me what I was looking at. But it finally all came together; Louis laying there, in MY bed, with Lucy. Her kissing him, she obviously liked it, the way you could see her smiling into his lips, her fingers curling into his hair, pulling him closer into him.

I looked over at her, bewildered, but she was staring at Louis, shock fear and a million other things flitting across her face. Louis mouthed something to her and she just stood up and bolted, with Louis hot on her heels.

I looked over at the boys, but none of them looked surprised! They looked...defeated. Then it hit me.

"You knew?!" I yelled, causing Liam to jump.

"Harry...don't blame Niall and Zayn...They only sort of found out last night..." Liam began but I stood up, cutting him off.

"NO! Don't even TRY to act like any of this is okay. She's CHEATING on me. Now what about Bella?! Or the new baby!? God I can't have a baby with a girl who's cheating on me with my BEST FUCKING FRIEND!!!" I shouted.

Everybodyw as silent, watching me completely lose it.

The girl who had asked Lucy the question speak up into the microphone.

"Ya know Harry, I'm single, if you....ever want to meet a girl who can treat guys right." she said, smiling demurely.

I looked at her, disgusted.

"You're REALLY going to try that right now?! REALLY?! Now is NOT the time." I growled before stalking off the stage, to my two least favorite people right now.

~*Louis' POV*~

As soon as she ran off of the setage, I chased after her. this...I honestly can't believe that somebody did this to her; to us. Carly. It had to be her. It would explain her behavior, everything.

"Lucy, stop!" I exclaimed, tugging her wrist, trying to get her to look at me.

She made some sort of awful shrieking crying noise, collapsing in my arms, obviously trying to fight back tears, but losing the struggle.

We both sank down to the ground together, me clutching her shaking body to my chest. With no doubt in my mind, I knew that my shirt was going to be stained with makeup. I honestly didn't give a shit anymore.

"Oh! So NOW you feel bad about this?! AFTER you've been caught?!" Harry's furious voice shouted.

Lucy started to shake more into my chest, crying harder.

"Not now Harry." I said through gritted teeth, running my fingers gently through Lucy's hair, knowing that it calmed her down.

"Louis, DONT. You have done MORE than enough." Harry yelled, looking like he was about to strangle me.

Lucy shifted in my arms, so I held her tighter, reaching my hand up to brush her face, still glaring at Harry.

"YOU did this Harry. YOU did this." I said.

"Oh? And how's that?! Because I can't seem to recall doing ANYTHING to encourage you to try to get with MY GODDAMN WIFE!" he yelled again.


He looked slightly taken aback.

"She wouldn't have done it if she didn't want to." he growled, quickly recovering.

I laughed harshly.

"She didn't have a CHOICE. She did it to protect you. Because YOU were an IDIOT and told the reporters you were married. So instead of YOU getting trashed for lying, she married you, to cover up your STUPID mistake. And to help Bella. But she NEVER wanted that. YOU screwed up your chances with her when you left her 4 years ago."

Harry just stared at me.

"B...but the..the baby..." he stammered.

I rolled my eyes.

"It's not yours Harold."

Hatred burned in his eyes at me.

"Why Louis. WHY?! You KNEW the entire goddamn time how much she meant to me. You knew! Why the hell would you DO this to me!?" From the tone in his voice, I swear, he was about to cry.

"Lucy...please. Tell me. Tell me he's lying. You...if it's a lie, I mean...we can fix this. Please. I still love you."

He got down in front of her, taking her face in his hands, forcing her to look at him.

Her face crumpled up again, and more tears started to pour down her face.

"It was before you came back." she choked out. "A week before you met Bella. I just found out, the day or so before I told you. How was I supposed to explain that to you?! I had to tell you it was yours."

He looked at her, and I just...he was breaking inside. It was written plain across his face.

"You said you loved me." he said simply before getting up, and walking out.

~*Carly's POV*~

The interview was on live television. Everything, everybody saw it. No editing, nothing. And it exploded more than I thought. I honestly couldn't believe this had happened. The interviewer looked genuinely surprised that Harry had no idea. It couldn't have played out any better.

I was just sitting in the living room, sipping a soda when the front door slammed open, revealing a red eyed Harry.

"Harry? Ohmygod I'm so sorry. I saw the interview. I just...I'm so sorry." I gushed, standing up, putting on my best concerned face.

His face just crumpled and he stepped forward, crushing me into a hug, which honestly surprised me. He was crying.

Okay. So...I felt a little bad. But...I mean, I couldn't feel bad for Lucy. I only felt bad that Harry had to get hurt for the truth to get out.

"Shhh. It's okay love. Shhhh." I murmured, rubbing his back comfortingly.

"I love her. I love her so much and all she wants is Louis." he cried.

I just sat there, not knowing what to say. This wasn't exactly turning out the way I thought. I figured he'd just be so angry, and not even care anymore. But aparently, he really WAS in love with her...

~*Lucy's POV*~

Louis had carried me from the building to his car, and we were sitting in silence as he drove; well...not completely silent, I couldn't help the pathetic little hiccups that were still escaping my mouth.

The paparazzi pretty much attacked us as we exited the building, snapping pictures, asking questions, but Louis ignored them, I just ducked my face into his chest, trying not to look. I couldn't take it honestly.

"Louis can you please just take me home, and I can pack a few things quick, and just stay with you for a couple of days?" I asked quietly.

Louis reached over and took my hand in his, a small but immensely comforting gesture.

"I wouldn't have it any other way love."

(A/N) )': sad. Whats gonna happen with Harry and Lucy? And Louis ad Lucy. Because everythings out now. OHMYGOD WHAT ABOUT BELLA?! And the new baby?! Uhohhhhhh.

So. I'm asking for 15 votes on this chapter, and 10 comments. Think you can do it?

And uhm. My comments answering yours, do not count (; just so you know ;p

[***[EDITING]***] Dancing Styles (Harry Styles Fanfic) (Watty Awards 2012)Where stories live. Discover now