Chapter 52

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(a/n) so I figured you guys deserved a chapter, so, here you go(:

~*Harry's POV*~

Finally, after a year, she was in my arms again. I just felt...complete. She had frozen when she first saw me, and I kind of thought she was going to run away. I was just..used to her doing that. But her brave face crumpled and she practically threw herself into my arms, letting tears flow freely from her eyes. When she cried, it was serious. Or just something big. Because she hated crying. And the fact I know she wasn't drunk, but looked as bad as she did when she got trashed.

I could tell just by holding her now that something had been wrong for awhile. She was so skinny. My hands that were around her upper body, I could FEEL her ribs. Despite putting on a brave face for the world, she was hurting. And this car accident made her reach her breaking point.

"Shhhhh baby shhhhh. I'm here. It's alright. Shhhhh." I rubbed small circles on her back, pressing her into me.

Her body was shaking as she cried, but she kept her cries silent, arms wrapped tightly around my torso, head buried into my neck. I could feel her tears wetting my shirt, but it didn't matter at this point.

I pressed my face into her hair, closing my eyes. I hated that she was like this. I wanted to help her, but I couldn't. She wouldn't tell me, I knew her well enough to know that. And if she didn't tell me, then I couldn't do anything.

"Come on let's get you home." I said softly, stepping back and grabbing her bags.


When we got to my car, I let her stretch out in the backseat to sleep, because she was terrified of the thought of sitting in the car period. I would have walked with her, but, the airport was 6 miles from my house, and it just wasn't a logical option.

So she was sleeping in the back, and I kept watching her from the rearview mirror. Even in her sleep she looked pained and troubled. I really felt for the poor girl. I just wanted to scoop her up and take her away from all the bad, and make things right for her, and treat her like a princess; like she deserved to be treated. But...I couldn't do that anymore. And I didn't know whether it was my fault or hers. Yes, she had divorced me without even talking to me. But, if I hadn't opened my big mouth and said we were married, and made it so she actually had a CHOICE in the matter, we wouldn't be in this situation now. If I hadn't left her five years ago, then we wouldn't be here. WAS my fault.

I eased the car to a stop in front of the apartment, checking back on Lucy. She was still sleeping.

I got out, and opened the back of the car, reaching in, and picking her up. She deserved to sleep, she looked exhausted on top of everything, so sleep would be good right now. Getting to the door was easy, but opening it while holding her, that was slightly difficult. But eventually I got it open, and picking her up a little more steadily, I carried her into mine and Caroline's bedroom. My heart hurt a little, putting her down in the bed that used to be ours, that I now was sort of forced to share with somebody else...

Luckily Caroline hadn't been back since walking out last night, Niall had taken Bella so that I could pick Lucy up at the airport, but he said to call her and he'd bring her back over, and have to boys come over so they could all see her again. They had all missed her terribly, But none of them could have missed her more than I did.

I still couldn't believe that Louis just...left us. I mean, I would have done the exact same thing if I could of. But I couldn't just drop everything here to chase after Lucy. Although I tried. Liam lost count of how many time he had to stop me from getting on a plane to go see her. How many times I packed mine and Bella's things to bring her back with us. I felt the same as I did when I found out about her and Louis. I didnt care that she was having his baby. I didnt care that she was sneaking around with him. I just wanted her back, and to love me again, and wake up next to me like she used to. And laugh at my pathetic not funny jokes. And the smell of her perfume on her pillow next to mine. And just seeing her bright eyes looking at me in the morning. The feel of her warm body next to mine. Seeing her laying around the house in just my t-shirts. Her taste.

[***[EDITING]***] Dancing Styles (Harry Styles Fanfic) (Watty Awards 2012)Where stories live. Discover now