Chapter 33

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The next three days were filled with Louis. We just…hung out like we used to. It was…absolutely amazing. Instead of staying in at one of our apartments like we had been doing lately, we spent a lot of the time adventuring allllllllll over London. 

Now, we were sitting in the airport, waiting for Harry and Isobele. 

“So. When exactly are you planning on telling Harry? About uh..the baby.” Louis asked. 

I fiddled with my fingers. 

“Probably tonight. After dinner or whatever. When he and I can sit down and just have a chat.” 

I know that if I kept putting it off, I’d wait until the last possible second I could to tell Harry, and chances were I’d panic and tell him the actual truth instead of telling him it was his. 

Louis nodded and flipped his phone out, fingers flying over the keys as he texted somebody. 

“Carly and I are still meeting you guys at your apartment before the dinner tonight, right?” he asked me, his attention still on the phone. 

My jaw tightened slightly at the mention of Carly, Louis’ girlfriend. 

Yesterday, Harry had called and suggested that Louis come over for dinner, and bring his girlfriend. Carly had joyously agreed, and suggested  that the REST of the band join us, so now our simple little dinner at the apartment had changed into a formal outing at some nice restaurant, that required me to look nice and try to dress Bella up; which she would resent. Thanks Carly. 

“Yeah. Harry has reservations for 7:30 so try to get there around 6:45. We’re meeting the other guys there.” 

We lapsed into another silence again, neither of us seeming sure of what to say. 

Since I had told Harry I had met Carly the other night, Louis had introduced us yesterday, since he was now unable to break up with her, because of me and my stupid mouth. 

I really didn’t like the girl. She was too….touchy feely for me, always just…having her hands on Louis. And she looked so young. She was only 17, and JUST turned 17, while Louis was 21. Honestly, I have no idea what he was thinking. 

“Mummy!” Bella yelled, and I saw her tiny figure running at me from the gate. She was wearing an entirely new outfit. 

I mentally rolled my eyes. Harry was such a girl; with his love for shopping, So it figures that he took her shopping. Not that I minded, Harry had a very good taste in clothing, so it was alright. 

“Daddy bought a puppy!” she exclaimed excitedly once she was secure in my arms, her eyes glittering with an excitement and happiness I hadn’t seen in awhile. 

I looked at her skeptically. 

“Oh really now? And why didn’t daddy ask me before he bought a puppy?” 

“Because it’s a birthday present for you! His name is Max!” 

I saw Harry coming out of the gate now, struggling to pull all of the luggage, so I decided to go help him. 

“Here, take Bells out to the car, we’ll meet you there in a few minutes.” I told Louis, depositing my child into his arms. 

He gave me a look that I couldn’t really read, but started poking at Bella as he made his way through the paparazzi that were shooting pictures of him, Harry, Bella and me. 

“What’s this I hear about a dog?” I asked him as I approached, reaching to take some of the bags out of his hands. 

Harry smirked slightly before leaning in to kiss me. 

[***[EDITING]***] Dancing Styles (Harry Styles Fanfic) (Watty Awards 2012)Where stories live. Discover now