New school, new kid, and maybe new friends

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[Logan's Pov]

A new school, just what I wanted. Someone kill me now. Seriously, I give up.

"Logan, honey, are you ready?" My older brother, Pranks, already helped me get dressed. I was wearing black jeans, a black dress shirt, and a blue and silver diagonally striped tie. 

"Ready as I'll ever be" I say dimly, rolling into the kitchen.

"Perk up hun, maybe this'll be different" My dad says. He so optimistic, it's almost sad. It's always the same, so why does he bother trying?

"Sure, dad" I mean, I try to be optimistic for my dad, he just wants the best for me. He can't control the fact that we have to move every now and then for my father's job. He promised we weren't going to move this time, but that's probably not true. Oh, and when I say I try to be optimistic I mean I fail and I am really just a pessimist.

"Do have everything you need son?" My father asks me. He fixes his tie and sits down for breakfast. His report time for work is later than our report time for school.

"Yes, father" I answer.

"Good, you should leave soon, you'll be late" he tells the both of us.

"Just waiting on Pranks"I comment. I wish I didn't have to wait for him. Well, I would still have to wait for him, but at least I could get in the car by myself.

"All ready, little bro" He pushes me out the house and to car. Then he opens the passenger seat door and helps me into the seat. I hate it. I hate that everyone has to do everything for me. I hate that I can't do anything myself. I feel useless. To be completely honest, I really hate myself.

"Excited to be a freshman?" Pranks asks me. He's always trying to make some conversation. God, extroverts are tiring.

"Has anyone ever been excited to be a freshmen? Have I ever been excited to go to school?" I answer snarkily.

"I know it's hard, Logan. Promise me you'll try to make friends " Pranks say, his voice soft and filled with sympathy. 

"I'll try, I always do. But think about it Pranks, who was to be friends with completely dependent, incredibly borgin, nerd in a wheelchair?" I tell him, a little irritated.

"C'mon Lo, don't think of yourself like that" He says, sounding kind of disappointed. 

"But it's true!" I snap. I didn't mean to, but he was getting on my last nerves. Friends are a touchy subject.

Pranks make a quiet sound of hurt. Now I feel really bad and silence definitely wasn't helping. 

-Location change to . . . the high school- 

"You're lucky you're a senior, Pranks" I point out.

"No, that means I only have one year to spend with you" He says, giving me a side hug.

"Exactly, you only have to spend one more year with me" I restate.

"Oh lo, when will understand that we love you?"Pranks asks sadly.

"Sorry Pranks, we should get going" I say, scratching the back of my neck.

"Yeah, we probably should" Pranks confirms.

"Ready to start a year of bullying?" I ask sarcastically. 

"Gotta love being named Pranks" He sighs.

"Gotta love being a wheelchair" I smile at him.

He gets out of the car, gets my wheelchair, and helps me out.

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