Everyone cares and loves you

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[Roman's pov]

"Please...please don't say that. I-I can't lose you" I sobbed quietly.

"Princey, it's what everyone wants. I should do something right for once" He stated.

"Virgil, no one except that bitch wants you to die. I love you so so much. Patton and Logan are so happy to be your friends" I told him.

"Y-you can't know w-what they t-think" He said.

"I'm gonna tell them to get their asses over here, and while we wait, we can go eat something, okay?" I said. He nodded and called Pat and Lo.

-Time Skip-

I heard someone knocking on my door. It was probably Patton and Logan. Hopefully Patton and Logan. I let go of Virgil's hand and walked over to the door. 

"Hey guys" I greeted. It was Patton and Logan.

"Hello Roman, why did you ask to come to your dwelling?" Logan asked me. Dwelling is house, right? Being smart was never my strong suit. Anyways, more important matters are happening.

"You'll see, c'mon" I said in a rushed voice. Patton looked a little worried, but both of them followed me rather quickly.

There, on my couch, was the broken boy I loved so much. The bruises on his skin, the deep lasheses, the burn from leather, you could see it all. It pained me to see, but it must've hurt him so much more to go through. I heard Logan gasp and Patton starting to sob behind me.

"Oh no, Virg..." Patton trailed off as he ran over to Virgil. 

"He'll be fine, right?" Logan asked. He, surprisingly, grabbed my hand. I bent down next to him.

"No, he'll never be fine. But he'll be better, once I get him out of that she-beast's grasp" I told him. He nodded and we went over Virgil, who was currently trying to fend off hugs from Patton.

"W-what happened?" Logan asked. With a stutter. Logan stuttered. Calm, cool, collected Logan stuttered.

"S-she d-did it again, b-but it's okay. It'll be o-ok" Virgil said, crying now. I  walked over to him, leaving Logan's hold, and held his wrist in a comforting way. He gave me a soft, small, sad smile.

"Did what again?" Logan asked, this time with regained calmness.

"Got drunk, came home, and ab-" Virg started. I did want to continue for him, but it wasn't my place. "A-abused me"

"That bitch did what?" Patton growled angrily. Logan was the only one to looked surprised. Patton always curses when he 'feels too much'.

"Pat, calm down. Please" Virgil pleaded in a quiet voice. Patton's look immediately softened and switched to a much sadder one. "I promise it'll be fine okay. Just leave it alone" He said.

"We can't just leave it alone, she's hurting you" Logan said.

"It'll be okay guys, why are you even worrying about me" Virgil questioned.

"Because we love and care about you" the three of us said. Virgil looked up at us in surprise.  


Heheheheh, another cliffhanger. I'm so annoying lol. Also, i'm not trying to romanticize abuse, if that's a thing. Just um yeah, keep that in mind. Well anyways, thanks for reading. Comment, vote, whatever.


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