Just Pranks

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A/N you guys are gonna hate me for this...

[Pranks' pov]

"Hey Missy?" I spoke up. We were sitting on the cliff's edge in silence. It was...it was nice. Really nice.

"What's up Pranks?" He responded. I turned to my right, so I could look at him. He looked incredibly handsome. His silhouette. His pastel purple hair. His face. Oh, just everything about him.

"Can you believe that we've known each other for years?" I asked him. I couldn't. Well, I could but at the same time, I couldn't.

"I guess? The internet is a beautiful thing" He replied.

"It sure is Missy, it sure is." I said. 

I met Missy on wattpad years ago. I commented a great prank. and he replied with this compliment, but it was misleading. He messaged me and we started talking non stop. It was great. Before the move, I told him that I was going to talk to him after we finished moving. I didn't know we'd be talking face to face. Ya know, if it wasn't for those conversations on wattpad, I probably wouldn't feel the way I feel right now.

(a/n Both Missy and Pranks are demi btw. If you don't know what that means, search it up)

"I'm glad we're friends" He said. I nodded in agreement.

"Can't wait till we're a couple!" He looked at me like I....oh shit.

"Did I say that out loud?" I asked fearfully. He nodded. Oh, it took every ounce of willpower for me to not jump off this cliff.

"I hate you..."He said. 

"Wait, what?" I said worriedly. I really fucked up, didn't I?

"...for not saying anything sooner. I wouldn't mind us being a couple either" Missy finished. I blushed, heavily. For some reason, we went back to sitting in silence. But this time, he moved closer and I put my hand on top of his.

-Time Skip-

"You ever wonder what our brothers are up to?" I asked, breaking the silence once again.

"Yeah, sometimes" He said with a chuckle.

I laughed and jokingly asked, "Wouldn't it be hilarious if they were dating or something?"

I'm sorry guys, but I've barely focused on their relationship and it was the perfect opportunity. I'll post the next chapter eventually, but until then you should read my stellar friend presidentgoofy's short stories. Show her some love, her writing is way better than mine. If you don't believe me, you should go read them and compare. Well anyways, thanks for reading. Comment, vote, whatever.


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