Valentine's Day Special

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a/n Very not canon special for this pointless hallmark holiday called Valentine's day

[third person pov]

"HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY MY LOVES!!" Roman yelled, bursting into the room.

"Oh, I see you want to partake in this hallmark holiday" Logan said, not looking up at his boyfriend.

Roman pouted. "Do you not like Valentine's day?" Roman asked, cocking his head to the side a little in a dog like manner. Patton did this too and Virgil found it adorable.

"I just don't see the point other than companies trying to get you to buy their stuff" Logan told Roman.

"Sounds like someone is taking my job as Mr. Cynic" Virgil, who was currently sitting on Logan's lap, joked. He looked up from his phone to see Roman's face, which was priceless. 

"C'mon you two-" Roman started to whine, but Patton cut him off.

"The point of Valentine's day is to celebrate and show your love, whether it be platonic or romantic" Patton explained, walking in the room covered in flour.

"Exactly" Roman said, looking happily at Patton.

"And Roman here," Patton continued after he kissed Roman, "wants to show his romantic love for us."

"But I don't need a holiday to show my love for you guys" Logan said. This statement caused inhuman squeals from Patton and Roman.

"Aaaaand this has become too sappy for me, I'm out" Virgil said, going to get up.

"Noooo!" Patton and Roman yelled at the same time. They both went to tackle him. Well, not tackle him perse but keep him on Logan's lap. They didn't want to hurt either of their boyfriends.

"Guys, what are doing?" Virgil asked, scared for what his boyfriends were about to do.

"Virgil, it's Valentine's day. Tell us how you feel about us" Roman demanded, kissing Virgil on the nose.

"Hm, fine. Patton, I appreciate you. Roman, I tolerate you. Logan, you're great" Virgil said, smirking when he talked about Roman.

"Heeeeeeeey" Roman whined, pouting a little.

"Roman, he loves you okay?" Patton said.

"I LOVE YOU TOO VIRG" Roman yelled in that whiny, deprived of love anime character way, like Maka's dad.

"Ugh" Virgil groaned. At hearing this, Patton and Roman attacked Virgil with tickles and kisses.

Logan laughed at his boyfriends, still not looking up from his book.

Ahh, I hope you guys liked that. It was short but sweet and I think fitting for them. Happy Valentine's day guys, or should I say happy Palentine's day! Well anyways, thanks for reading . Comment, vote, whatever.


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