Lets go back in time and check up on a different couple

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[Missy's pov]
Is that my phone ringing? Who would be calling me?
"Hey, Missy here" I said as I picked up the call.
"Hey, Missy, can I stay with Logan for the rest of the week and skip school?" Patton asked me.
"Why? That sounds sketchy, Pat" I asked him in response.
"His arms are paralyzed, temporarily, and he needs someone to stay with him" Patton explained.
"Okay, stay safe, bud" I told him, and he hung up.
Wait, Logan's arms are temporarily paralyzed? I need to call Pranks.
"Hi, Missy" Pranks greeted.
"Are you okay? I heard about Logan" I asked him.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I think." He replied.
"Wanna stay over? Considering that there is three more freshmen staying at your house" I suggested.
"Wait, how did you know that Roman and Virgil were staying too? Patton did tell you that" Pranks questioned.
"Eavesdropping, are we?" I joked.
"Only a little" He admitted. I chuckled. He's so adorkable.
"To answer your question, I knew due to magical legal guardian powers" I answered jokingly.
"Oh of course, how could I forget about magical legal guardian powers?" Pranks continued with the joke causing me to laugh.
"So, you staying over? I'm going to be lonely with out Pat around" I commented trying to convince him.
"Yeah, definitely. I'll be over soon" Pranks said and hung up the phone.
I totally did not do the cliche thing where you drop your phone on your bed as you lay down, blush, and breathe a deep breath.

Sorry for the short chapter. I just needed to write something. Well anyways, thanks for reading. Comment,
vote, whatever.

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