Duo of Ds

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-Time Skip to two weeks later cause I suck at filler chapters, so writing even more would be torture for you guys-

[Roman's pov]

It was a normal day, the four of us were eating lunch. It's so sad that we only see each other at lunch, I love these guys so much. As we were eating, I noticed Deceit, good 'ol snake face, and his boyf friend. I don't know what his real name is, but I believe he goes by Depression. They're an odd duo, but oddly fitting. The weirdest part, they came over to us when Patton and Logan left to go grab something.

"What do you want Snake Face?" I asked as they approached us.

"Oh nothing to do with you, Royal Pain. I want to talk to Shakes over here." Deceit said. Which made my love interest scared. I inched closer to Virg, for comfort and protection. 

"Well, I don't want to talk to you" Virgil said. I like the little confidence that was in that statement.

"Too sad, that wasn't a question. This talk will be fun, for some of us." Depression smirked. He moved forward. I moved closer. Depression attempted to grab Virgil. No way in hell I was going to let him.

"Get. Away. From. Him" I growled, pushing them away.

"You're weak Roman, do you really think you can take me?" Deceit questioned. Without a response, he punched me in the face.

"Daimon, Dell to the principal's office right now" A teacher yelled. The two, one of which just punched, cowered and walked away

"Virgil, please take Roman to the nurse's office" The teacher said to Virgil. (a/n I accidentally wrote bedroom instead of nurse's office)

-Location change to. . . the nurse's office-

"Hello....you got punched?" Liam asked me as we walked in.

"Yes, yes I did" I replied.

"Okay then. Sit up, hold this to your nose, and keep your head tilted down" Liam instructed. I hopped up on to the bed Virgil usually stays on and follow his instructions.

"So Virgil, what happened?" Liam asked.

"Oh um, well Deceit and Depression were trying to hurt me, i think, and Roman stepped in front of me, then Deceit punched in the face, and now we're here" Virg explained.

"You guys really know to get yourselves in precarious situation" Liam commented. I spaced out of the rest of the conversation and chose to look around instead. Then I noticed something.

"Is that a picture of your boyfriends?" I asked, interrupting whatever conversation they were having.

"Um yeah, I finally felt confident enough to put up a picture of them" Liam said.

"They're beautiful" Virgil said, sitting next to me. I nodded in agreement.

Then we all sat there in happy silence.

This chapter took me way too long to write. Sorry for all my straight readers, you haven't been getting any representation. I will never understand why you guys read my shit chapters, but I'm glad you do. You guys might not ever understand how important you comments are to me, and I want to honor them and you guys. So, should I add one of my favorite comments from a previous chapter or would that annoy you guys? Well anyways, thanks for reading. Comment, vote, whatever.


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