Something's Wrong

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[Third Person pov]
"Does Mulan sounds good?" Roman asked the others.
"Uh yeah, sure" Virgil responded. Patton and Logan nodded in response.
"Okay, I'll set up the movie. Patton get the snacks. You two can set up the pillows" Roman instructed. They nodded and got to work. As they worked, the thought of the hypothetical confession was constantly in their mind.
"Done" The four of them said at the same time as they finished their tasks. Patton brought the snacks to the living room and Roman started the movie. They snuggled up and started watching.
-Time Skip-
Soon enough, the movie came to an end. At first, the four were silent, then Virgil spoke up.
"As much as I don't want to talk about what happened earlier, we have to" He said.
"Yeah, you're-" Patton started but was cut off by Logan.
"Uh guys, I can't feel my arms"

Heheheh. I'm evil. Sorry it's short, but I needed it to be for the cliffhanger. I know you all hate me. Well anyways, thanks for reading. Comment, vote, whatever.

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