Day six talks about some past pain

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TW: Gay hate slurs and mentions of abuse
[Virgil's pov]

Everyone was saying their goodbyes when I felt my phone vibrate. That's weird. It could be these three cause we're all here. No one else would text me. Well except for...oh no.

Mom: Where are you? Are you fucking some random guy, you faggot slut? I can't  believe my useless son is some fag. You better get home soon. I have a lot empty bottles waiting for you.

I remember the last time I left. When she was finished with me, I had fifteen new lashes for her whip and glass shards for three beer bottles in my hair. She wouldn't let me leave my room for two days, and wouldn't let me eat for three days. Luckily, Patton told the school that I was sick.

I can't go back. I know I deserve what she does to me. I've earned it, but I can't do it. I can't deal with the pain. I can't miss more school. I can't go back.

"I can't go home" I told them. They all looked at me worriedly.

"Why not? What's wrong?" Patton questioned.

"M-my mom. S-she's pissed. I-I can't go back" I stuttered like an idiot. I'm so stupid. Maybe I should go back. Patton came over and hugged me. I couldn't to that to them. I can't go back.

"I fucking hate her. We're going to get her arrested" Roman said.

"C-can we do that?" I asked. I can't believe I'm thinking of getting my own mother arrested. I'm such a bad person.

"Yeah, Virg, we can" Logan answered. Him and Roman looked pretty determined and adamant. Maybe we could do this. I actually want this. I'm the worst son ever.

"O-okay. Let's do it" I said. I'm giving them permission to have my mother arrested. I'm probably gonna testify. Could I be worse?

"We'll get it done, don't worry" Roman told me with a smirk. I feel sick.

"You'll be fine. You'll be free, Virg" Patton whispered, still holding me. He was right, I think. This is for the better, right? Hopefully.

-Time Skip-

"The police are taking her in. This is great" Roman cheered. This was good.

"B-but where will I go?" I asked. This question was tumbling through my mind the whole time Roman and Logan were doing what they did. I was a horrible son who just got his mother and no place to go.

"Well, I know of certain polyamorous couple who's looking to adopted"

I'm sorry. That was kinda hard to write in the beginning. But it got better so that's um good. Well anyways, thanks for reading. Comment, vote, whatever.


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