Day one of essential was a huge sleepover

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[Logan's pov]
"Okay, Logan, I have to go pick up some stuff. Today's gonna be a little hard for you. If they ask, say it's just another side effect and the medication is for pain" My dad told me before her left.
"You'll be back later right?" I asked. I was a little worried to say the least.
"To drop it off, then I have to pick Pranks up from Missy's house. Your father will be back before me" He answered.
"Okay, see you later, dad" I said, waving. I felt a little better now.
[Virgil's pov]
"Good morning, Logan" I said as walked out of his room.
"You're up" He stated. At least, I think it's was a statement.
"Heh, that I am" I responded. God, I'm so awkward. Can't I just have one proper conversation?
"Are the other two up too?" He asked me.
"No, not yet" I said. They were in the guest bedroom, but I still checked up on them to see.
"Hmm, let's wake them up, shall we?" Logan said with a devious smile.
"We shall" I said
-Time Skip-
"Can someone please explain why I am awake and wet?" Roman asked, practically yelling. I just started laughing. This was absolutely hilarious.
"Viiiiirg, you're not supposed to laugh at your boyfriend" Roman whined.
"I'm sorry *laughs* it's *laughs* so funny" I said. That probably made him madder.
"Guys, play nice" Patton warned.
"Why are you upset about this?" Roman asked Patton.
"Cause I thought it was funny" Patton said with a big goofy grin.
"I cannot deal with you imbeciles, I am going to go change" Roman said sassily. The rest of us started laughing like crazy. When Roman came back, we decided what to do for the rest of the day. This was going to be fun.
-Time Skip cause I'm a lazy ass-
Logan has been gone for a while. He went to go talk to his dad, but his dad had left.
"I'm gonna go check on Logan, ok?" I announced.
"Yeah, okay, Virg" Roman said quickly.
I walked over to the kitchen where Logan walked off to. I say him fiddling with a bottle of something.
"Hey, Logan" I said. He jumped back.
"Oh hey there, Virgil" Logan said, getting his breath back to level.
"What's that?" I asked him, pointing to the bottle in his hands.
"Medication for...depression" He said, scared of what my reaction might be.
"Oh ok" I said casually. It's bad that he has depression, but I have anxiety, so we can be mentally messed up together.
"You aren't" He seemed lost for words.
"I don't care, Logan. I love you" I said. Wait fuck, did I just say that? Ah shit, fuckin hell.
"Virgil?" I turned around to see who it was.
It was Roman.

I just love torturing you guys with cliffhangers. What do you guys think Roman's reaction will be? Well anyways, thanks for reading. Comment, vote, whatever.

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