Let's paint our nails and have a pillow fight

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Song: Sleepover by Hayley Kiyoko

A/N I made Thomas Patton's older brother instead of Missy. Missy is like the middle child. Why? Because reasons.

[Logan's pov]

"Are you ready to go?" I asked Patton.

"I'm ready to go, get me out of mind" Virgil sang while Roman dragged him by us. I think it was a reference to Panic! At The Disco, but I could be wrong.

"Yup Logan" Patton said. He shut our lockers and took our backpacks. I would offer to take my backpack, but he would just say no.

"Little bro" Pranks yelled from behind us. I would be embarrassed if it was anyone else, but I happy to be related to Pranks. He's an amazing brother.

"Hey Pranks, have a good first day of school?" I asked him as he caught up to us.

"I was supposed to ask that" He whined and pretended to pout.

"Pranks, just answer the question" I said, shaking my head.

"Yes, I did have a good first day of school. I actually made a friend" Pranks answered.

"Oh how wonderful. Friendship is amazing" Patton chimed in.

"I guess it is. Who is this new friend?" I asked Pranks.

"Wait, who is he?" Pranks asked me, pointing to Patton.

"Oh, that's Patton. He's the student that has to help" I explained, "and a new friend." Patton smiled when I said friend.

"Aww, you made a friend" Pranks commented.

"Actually three" I corrected. Pranks squealed. "Speaking of, can you drop us off at one of my new friends house?"

"Sure, did you ask dad? Father wouldn't want to be bothered, but tell him later" Pranks said. Patton looked a little confused when Pranks switched from dad to father. I don't want to tell my parents are homosexual as I don't know if he is homophobic.

"I did ask him and I will tell all of you how it goes tomorrow" I told Pranks.

"Great. Front seat or back?" Pranks asked me when we go to the car as he normally does. Usually, I would answer front, but since Patton is here I answered back. Although because Patton is here, I'm feeling incredibly self conscious and useless. I wish I could get in the car by myself or had legs that actually worked. Patton doesn't seem to care though.

-Time Skip because it was a pretty silent car ride and I'm lazy-

"Bye Lo and Patton, have fun" Pranks said as we got out of the car. He sounded like a mom.

"We will, thanks for dropping us off" I said. He smiled and drove off. We walked towards Roman's house where we were met with a predicament. Stairs.

"Hey guys, come in- oh" Roman greeted as he opened the door. He voice fell when he noticed the problem. Stairs.

"I know what to do" He exclaimed, walking down the stairs. His solution was not one I was expecting.

"Ah Roman what the fuck? Put me down" I yelled.

"Calm down, I won't drop you" He said nonchalantly. Well, at least he wasn't carrying me like a potato sack, but is bridal style any better? It would be better if he wasn't carrying me at all.

"Hey Logan, why is Roman carrying you?" Virgil asked. He looked very confused.

Roman placed me on the couch next to Virgil. I felt horrible and useless and awkward all at the same time. I think Virgil sensed this because he drapped his legs over mine and didn't press with questions.

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