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[Roman's pov]

We don't know why he's like this. I don't know how to help him. I just want to help him.

"Please, please, please, please, please don't make me go back. I don't want to go back. please" Virgil begged. Why was he acting like this?

"No one will make you go back, I promise. May I touch you?" I told him. He looked at me worriedly then nodded. I slowly hugged him and held him for a bit.

"Are you sure? I'm really scared, Ro" Virgil admitted to me shakily. I wish Patton was here. He so much better at this stuff, but Logan and him were calling Liam.

"Yeah. If Liam doesn't want to take you, you can come stay with Logan or me" I answered. I would've said all of us, but we couldn't make Thomas take care of another kid.

"I'm just burdening them. Maybe your better of sending me back" He said. His total demeanor changed.

"No way. I'm not let her touch you ever again. Alex is a lawyer. He'll get this taken care of. You'll be alright" I told him. He nodded him, and we waited together.

-Time Skip-
[Virgil's pov]

"Hey, Virgil" Liam said softly to Virgil when he saw him on the couch with Roman.

"Hiya, Liam. Hello to you too, Hunter and Alex" I responded. Was that too formal? I hope they don't hate me.

"So, this is our son" Hunter remarked. I'm going to be their son. It's gonna take a while to get used to that.

"Yeah, he's pretty awesome" Liam said, making me blush. He's totally joking.

"You've got everything handled, Alex?" Hunter asked Alex. None of them took their gaze off me. It was kinda creepy.

"Of course, I am a lean, mean, working machine" Alex answered. He laughed at his own answer. The rest of us, me included, laughed with him.

"Well, it's settled then. Welcome to the family, Virgil!" Liam and Hunter said cheerily. Everyone had a smile on their face, except for me. All I could think about was them not wanting me.

"Are you sure about this? I can go back if you want" I asked nervously. I was sitting there. fiddling with his sleeves and staring at the floor like an idiot.

"No way! In fact, you're gonna come home with us right now" Alex announced. I like him and Hunter already. Of course, I loved Liam. I see him basically everyday.

"Really?" I questioned, trying to mask my excitement. Liam nodded. Oh, this was just great.

"Bye, Virg. We love you!" Patton called as Hunter dragged me out of the house. Roman and Logan nodded in agreement, a smile on both of their faces.

"Love you too" I yelled back before Liam shut the door. I love all of the so much.

I have three new boyfriends and three new dads. I finally feel loved.

This chapter was crappy. I'm sorry. Next chapter will be the last. Well anyways, thanks for reading. Comment, vote, whatever.


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