Is that....

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a/n Pranks is "Prankster who stole my heart". Missy  is "Misleading my heart". They gave each other these screen names.

[Pranks pov]

Prankster who stole me heart: I'm boreeeeeed

Misleading my heart: i don't care......what we're going to do, i just don't want you to be bored 

Prankster who stole my heart: wanna go to the park?

Misleading my heart: sure thing, see ya in five 

Prankster who stole my heart: kk, be there to pick you up

-Time Skip-

The park was rather empty today, which was odd. I guess people are off doing other things. Maybe we won't see anyone at all. Yes!

"Hey, Pranks, can we get ice cream?" Missy asked.

"Ooh yes, I'm pretty sure it's right around the corner" I replied. And I was right. There was the ice cream guy and his small set up. He's always there for some reason, always. As we walked towards the shop, I noticed someone. Actually, three someones.

"Is that...." My voice trailed off.

"...and his boyfriends?" Missy questioned with me.

We walked closer.

"Shut up, Hunter. That did not happen" One of them whined.

"C'mon, Alex, you can't deny it" Liam joked. I guess the one who said something before was Alex.

We backed off a little.

"Should we..."this time Missy trailed off.

"...or just get ice cream?" I questioned with him.

We walked towards the shop.

"One creamsicle and one coffe chip" I ordered for us.

"Sure thing, guys" He said, handing us our ice cream. I handed to coffe chip to Missy.

We backed off to the side.

"Missy? Pranks?" Liam asked with a warm smile.

"Liam?" I said reply, trying to fake surprise.

We walked towards the couple.

"Hey guys, what are you doing here?" Liam asked us.

"Oh we were bored, so we came to the park" Missy answered, subconsciously intertwining his fingers with mine.

"Wait, I should introduce you guys" Liam realized.

"Yeah, that might be a good idea" One of the other two said.

"This is Hunter," He said, pointing to a man with floofy black hair, icy blue eyes, pale skin, and sharp cheek bones, "and this is Alex". He pointed to a man curly light brown hair, hazel-green eyes, slightly tanned skin, and glasses. 

"Hey, I'm Pranks," I said, pointing to me, "and this is Missy" He gave them a little wave.

"It's very nice to meet you, want to talk for little longer?" Hunter and Alex said at the same time. It was very creepy.

"Uhh sure" Missy said. 

Guess we're talking for longer.

Do you guys want to hear the rest of the conversation or no? Also, I started a new book of sanders side short stories. I think I'm insane. Well anyways, thanks for reading. Comment, vote, whatever.


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