This Can't Be Happening

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[Logan's pov]
This. Can't. Be. Happening.
It just can't. Not again. I can't be more useless than I already am.
"Logan, you need to breathe for me" Virgil whispered.
How can I fucking breathe right now?
"I know it's hard, but you have to" Virgil told me, still in a whisper.
Well, I can't die from it, sadly. I'll probably pass out, and that clearly wasn't going to be beneficial for me.
"Good job, Lo. You're doing great" Virgil said softly.
"Can we go to a hospital or something now?" I asked, panicked.
"Oh um yeah, Patton is calling your dad" Virgil
informed me.
"Wait, how does he-nvm" I went to ask, but I already knew the answer. My dad gave it to him. God, who knew his embarrassing habits would be helpful.
"Your dad is coming soon, Logan. It'll be alright" Patton said.
-Time Skip-
I was in the car now with my incredibly worried dad and incredibly worried brother. In all honesty, I was incredibly worried too.
"Don't worry, Lo, we'll be at Liz's office in a few minutes" My dad said, more for him than me. It helped though. Liz was my really nice doctor.
"We're here" Pranks announced as my dad pulled into a parking spot. He helped me out as I was even more useless than ever. The nurses quickly rushed to Liz's room. Roman, Patton, and Virgil were already there.
"Logan, what's wrong?" Liz asked.
"I-I can't feel my arms" I told her. She hadn't even examined me and she already had the 'I figured it out' look on her face.
"Have you been taking the de-medication I prescribed you?" She asked me. I found it funny that she avoided saying depression medication. Hmm, well she always is a little paranoid, so I guess it's understandable.
"Of course, Liz" I told her.
"Then I'll have to prescribe you something else. Temporary paralysis is one of the side effects and you got it" Liz informed me.
"W-wait, t-temporary?" I choked out.
"Yes, temporary. You'll regain feeling again" Liz confirmed. "In your arms" She added. It's sad that she had to add that.
But, hey, at least I'll be a little less useless.

See, not that bad guys. It's only temporary. I'm not that cruel.Well anyways, thanks for reading. Comment, vote, whatever.

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