Halfway there

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[Roman's pov]

Ever since yesterday, I've been thinking. I've know Virgil since sixth grade, and even though he thought I hated him, I loved him. To be completely honest, I've had a crush on him since fourth grade. His dark clothes, his sharp features, his sarcastic attitude, I love it all. I don't why it's taken me about five years to have the confidence to tell him, but I'm going to tell him now. But how? Nothing too fancy, definitely. Don't overthink this, Roman.  I've got it!

-Time Skip because surprise-

I'm actually going to do it. He's right there, in front of me and looking beautiful as always.

"Roman?" Virgil said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry I spaced out" I said.

"That's fine" He said with a little huff laugh at the end.

"Can...can I tell you something?" I asked, keeping my gaze on him.

"Um, okay" Virg replied, nervously and warily.

"I promise it's not bad" I assured him.

"Okay" He said. He nodded and let out a breath.

"I've known you for a long time, Virg and I'm glad to have been paired to help all those years ago," I started, "I wouldn't exchange that time for anything. I know you thought I hated you, but I didn't. I never did and never could. You know why, Virg?" 

He shakes his head no. He's a little anxious, I can tell. His breathing is quicker, his eyes are darting, he's playing with sleeves. I don't want him to be anxious. I place my thumb over his wrist, over where you could feel his pulse. It was comforting to him and allowed me to feel his heartbeat, which was fast yet slowing down.

"It's because....I like you a lot. More than platonically." I finally manage to admit. Virgil started to cry a little. Had I made him upset? He probably doesn't like me. Oh god, did I fuck up?

"I like you a lot too Princey. Like a lot, a lot" Virgil told me. He likes me back. Ahhhhhhhhhhh! 

"Can I hug you Virg?" I asked. He nodded, tapping two fingers twice. I wrapped my arms around him and he wrapped his around my neck, resting his head against my chest.

"I can't believe you actually like me" Virgil admitted.

"How could I not? You're perfect in your own way. You have an amazing personality and you look great in black, so you'll be best dressed at my funeral" I said. He hit me on the arm.

"Shut up, don't say things like that" He whispered, pouting.

"I'm sorry, but honestly you're beautiful Virg" I said more seriously.

"Thank you Princey" He said.

"Just being honest, do you think we should tell the other two?" I asked Virgil.

"Call Patton and put it on speaker. They're bound to be together" Virgil answered. I did as he said.

"Hey Roman, what's up?" Patton said.

"Is Logan with you?" Virgil asked him.

"Uh yeah, he is Virgil" Patton replied.

"Good, you tell 'em Roman" Virgil said. 

"Virgil likes me more than platonically" I told them. Patton screeched and Logan congratulated us calmly. Those two are complete opposites, I'll never understand how they hang around each other. Then again, Virgil and I are too.

"You two go hang out, stop talking to us. Go" Patton said. We laughed and hung up the phone. We decided on watching Mulan together. He was cuddle up against me and I sang along to all the songs. 

I wouldn't want it any other way.

I don't know what to say. Honestly, I love how fluffy their relationship is. Stairs. Well anyways, thanks for reading. Comment, vote, whatever.


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