Hypothetically Speaking

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[Third Person pov]

"Yeah Virg, love" Patton said.

"Would it be bad if I said i loved you guys too?" Virgil asked meekly.

"No, not at all. Wait, are we talking about romantic love?" Logan said.

"We can if you want us to be" Patton responded.

"What? I'm still confused" Logan exclaimed.

"Okay, okay guys," Roman interjected, "lets say, hypothetically, would you guys be saying it romantically?"

"Wait, that can happen?" Virgil asked.

"Yes, it's called polyamory. Polyamory is where three or more people consent to having a shared relationship" Logan answered. Virgil nodded in understanding.

"Now, let's answer my question. Patton, how about you?" Roman asked.

"Well, hypothetically, yes. I would say it romantically" Patton admitted.

"Hypothetically, I would say it romantically too" Roman agreed. " How about you Virg?"

"Um well hypothetically uh yeah, r-romantically" Virgil stuttered.

"And what about you, Lo?" Patton questioned.

"In a hypothetical situation, I suppose I would say it romantically" Logan answered after he straightened his glasses.

"Hmm, well then....you guys want to watch a movie?" Roman asked. Logan beamed a little when he said want to.

"Yeah, yeah uh sure" The other three said.

Most casual, anticlimactic confession of hypothetically love ever. Are you guys happy? I'd hope so. Next chapter, I don't really wanna focus on them, sorry. So, do you guys want more or deceit and depression or more missy and pranks? Well anyways, thanks for reading. Comment, vote, whatever.


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