I got his....address?

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[Roman's pov]

He's adorable. So is Patton. I can't be thinking this. I have choose one of them and block out thoughts of the other. Right?

"Hey Princey?" Virgil spoke up quietly. He looked up at me and dammit, he looked so cute. He always looks cute, it's a problem.

"What is it, Virg?" I asked him. He opened his mouth, then shut it, and bit on his lip. I wonder what goes on in that pretty like mind of his.

"Can you um canyouholdmyhandplease?" He asked quickly. So fast that if you haven't spent a lot of time with him, you would never have understood what asked.

"Of course" I answered. I slipped my hand into his small, cold, frail, beautiful hand. His thin fingers were laced with mine, and I rubbed my thumb over the back of his hand. We walked the rest of the way in silence.

-Time Skip, location: the nurses' office-

"Hello Virgil and Roman, nice to see you again" Liam said to us, not even looking up from whatever he was doing.

"How did you know it was us?" Virgil asked. We walked over to the usual bed Virg stayed in after an attack.

"When is it not you?" Liam responded. Now he looked up and walked over to us.

"Don't know Liam, I'm only in here when it is us" Virgil said sassisly.

"Yeah okay smartass, how are you feeling?" Liam asked Virgil, like usual. This is now the time I look at Virgil asking him if I should stay or go. He tapped his pinky once, that means he wants me to stay. I smile at him and nod.

"Um tired and my lungs still hurts this time" Virgil answers. I smile a smile of  I'm sorry and sympathy.

"Hhm, and your throat?" Liam asked.

"It's better, just a little dry" Virgil said.

"Okay, drink this water" Liam said, tossing Virgil a bottle of water. I had to catch it before it Virgil's face.

"I think we need to practice your throwing skills" I joke. Liam glares at me but in a nice way.

"Well, you're in here so much, so I think we have the time" Liam said.

"Thanks Liam, you do a lot" I tell him sincerely.

"You're welcome, I'm paid to do it" Liam said.

"Wow, way to kill the sincerity" Virgil chimed in.

"Whatever. You can talk quietly, but don't disturb me" Liam said, sitting down at his desk. Virgil and I nod even though he can't see. I lay down next to Virg, as usual.

"Hey, you wanna come over later?" I asked Virgil quietly.

"Yeah, thanks" Virgil answers. We stay there till the end of day. It was the best option considering we only had one period left and Patton always gets us the work.

(a/n If you're confused, they all have the same teachers, just during different periods)

-Time Skip-

"Okay guys, get out and go to lockers" Liam said when the bells rang.

"Have a nice day Liam" We said at the same time. We walked quickly to where our lockers were. It's funny how all four of us got lockers next to each other.

"Hey guys" Patton said as he put stuff in his backpack.

"Are you guys okay? I noticed you walked out the nurses' office" Logan asked. I forgot he didn't know. Well, it's not my thing to share.

"Yeah, we're fine. Thanks for worrying" Virgil answered Logan.

I want to invite them over later, but I have to ask Virgil. As I was thinking this, Virgil whispered something to me. I swear he can read my mind. I smile at him and look over him at the other two. I'm on the far left side of our lockers, Virgil is next to me, then Patton, and Logan is on the far right side.

"Do you guys wanna come over later?" I asked them.

"It's want to" Logan corrected.

"Whatever, so do you?"I asked again.

"Sure Roman, Thomas wouldn't mind" Patton said. He got out his phone and texted Thomas, his older brother and legal guardian. Patton's parents died after Thomas came back from college, so he was old enough to take care of Pat.

"Let me check with my dad, and I'll get back with you" Logan said. He too got out his phone and texted someone, presumably his dad. "He said yes, I can come."

"Um, how are you guys gonna get there?" Virgil asked them. They were both silent.

"My brother can take us" Logan spoke up.

"Great, here's the address. See ya soon" I said. I handed Logan a slip of paper that I wrote my address on and dragged Virgil out to my car.

Tonight was going to be a good night.

Liam is a great nurse, I really like him. Well anyways, thanks for reading. Comment, vote, whatever.


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