Day four involves some awful pick up lines

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A/n this time it's actually a new day. sorry again.
[Third person pov]

Logan and Roman were now cradling a shaking Patton and a shaking Virgil.

"N-never watchin horror movies ever again"
Patton muttered, rocking back and forth a little.

"H-how about we bake cookies and tell pick up lines?" Virgil suggested.

"That sounds like a great idea" Patton exclaimed. He was much more upbeat now.

"I don't know, Pat..." Roman commented.

"C'mon, Logy, agree with me" Patton whined.

"Huh? Oh whatever idea Patton wants is a good idea and we should do that" Logan said on command.

"W-what? Nevermind, we'll do that" Roman gave in. The four got off the couch and walked to the kitchen. Well, Roman helped Logan into his wheelchair, and he rolled himself to the kitchen.

"Okay, so who wants to go first?" Roman asked when he got to the counter.

"Oh I don't want anything to do with that foolishness. I will just focus on baking" Logan said.

"I don't really want to either. I think I'll just help Lo with baking" Patton said shyly.

"It's okay, guys. Me and Virgil can just tell some. I'll go first" Roman said.

"It's Virgil and I" Logan corrected. Roman rolled his eyes.

"Yeah whatever. So Logan, how about I be your homework and you can do me all night?" Roman asked with a smirk.

"No, I'm asexual, remember? Also, I didn't know you were a bottom" Logan commented with an even bigger smirk. Roman blushed and mumbled a sorry.

"Hey, Pat, you know how you used to want us to call you dad? How about I call you daddy tonight?" Roman said with a suggestive wink.

"I don't get it" Patton admitted with a pout.

"Oh you poor innocent thing" Virgil said with a slight laugh.

"It okay, Pat. Now onto Virg. Hey, did it hurt-scratch that, did you hurt yourself when you crawled out of hell?" Roman asked Virgil.

"Roman!" Patton scolded.

"No, it's fine. It's not like he's wrong" Virgil shrugged.

"Heheh, your turn, Virgil" Roman reminded.

"Do you know what you and panic attacks have in common?" Virgil asked Logan.

"No, I don't see the correlation" Logan answered.

"You both take away my breath" Virgil told him.

"Oh I get it. That's not very good. Do I need to tell you some breathing tips?" Logan asked worriedly.

"No, I didn't mean literally" Virgil said shaking his head. Logan just said okay.

"Hey Patton, will you love me 'cause I don't love myself?" Virgil asked.

"Of course, Virg. But if you keep talking bad about yourself, I will physically fight you" Patton answered. Virgil hugged Patton, both of them feeling very emotional.

"So Roman, I know I'm very ugly and you are really handsome, and opposites attract, right?" Virgil said.

"We may be opposites personality wise, but you are very handsome, Virgil. I love you so much" Roman told him. He, too, started getting emotional.

"No need to lie. I know that I look like a raccoon" Virgil said.

"You're still the best looking raccoon I know" Roman said to him with a smile.

"Thanks, Princey" Virgil said. He gave him a small smile in return. Then a ding went off.

"Ooh, cookies are done" Patton announced excitedly. The four were quick to eat them.

Afterwards, they had to clean up. Ironically, they made a mess while doing it. Well, Roman looked perfect as always, but the same could not be said for the others. Virgil had flour over his black clothes, Patton somehow got milk on himself, and Logan had eggshells in his hair.

They couldn't care less though cause they were all very fucking happy.

It's fluffy. At least I think it is. Oh welp, who knows. Well anyways, thanks for reading. Comment, vote, whatever.

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