Your friends are the emo and the prince?

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[Logan's pov]

I checked the clock, 12:07. If I remember the schedule correctly, that means one minute till lunch. One minute till I meet Patton's friends. I want death.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

"Lunchtime, now you get to meet my friends!" Patton squealed. He's so......excited.

"Yay" I say sarcastically. I don't think Patton picked up on it as he was still excited. He dragged me out of the classroom as soon as he could to our lockers, which happened to be right next to each other. Lucky me, right? We got our lunches and he lead me to some tree.

"There they are" Patton pointed to two other students. One was dressed in all black, black skinny jeans, black shirt, black leather jacket, even fully black high tops. The other was wearing white skinny jeans, brown riding boots, and some sort of prince type shirt.

"So your friends are the emo and the prince?" I ask him. He looked at me slightly confused.

"Hey Patton!" The prince like one yells, interrupting whatever Patton was going to say.

"We oughta get over there quickly" He tells me.

"It's ought to" I correct. He laughs and walks over to the tree, I follow.

"Who's he?" The emo one asks.

"I'm the new kid, Logan" I answer.

"Virgil" the emo one, Virgil, says with a two finger salute.

"I am the fantabulous Roman" the prince one, Roman, says overdramatically. 

"Fun fact, fantabulous wasn't a word till the 1950's" I say.

"That's just a fact, it's not fun" Roman pouts.

"I thought it was fun" I say to myself, a little bewildered by his statement.

"Roman, be nice" Patton scolds Roman in a dad like manner.

Then he sat down. Now I feel awkward as hell. They're all sitting on the ground, on the same level and I'm up here, in my wheelchair. Why couldn't they sit at a table like everyone else? I think Virgil noticed my discomfort because he gave me this look.

"You okay?" Virgil asks me in a whisper.

"Um yes?" I respond, not really wanting to tell him.

"Ha, yeah I've been there" He says, his voice a little louder as Patton and Roman got absorbed into their own conversation.

"Been where?" I ask, kind of confused.

"The lying about your feelings" Virgil clarifies.

I was about to respond but was interrupted by a loud squeal. 

"What happened Pat?" Virgil asks.

"You're making friends" Patton says. I think his answer was aimed at both us.

"He never said he wanted to be my friend" Virgil and I say at the time. We look at each other and burst out laughing.

"I've never had any friends" I point out.

"Same here. Roman was forced to be my friend and brought Patton along" He says.

"Forced?" I ask him.

"That is a story for another day, my friend" Virgil says, patting me on the back.

"So, we are friends?" I ask

"Yeah, we are" Virgil answers.

"I'll be your friend too" Roman says excitedly.

"Great" I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"Oh, we're going to be best friends" Virgil says.

Yeah, expect chapters to be more this length. Not really long like last chapter. I never know what to say in ending A/Ns. Well anyways, thanks for reading. Comment, vote whatever.


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