Decisions, Decisions

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[Logan's pov]
Liz pushed me out of the room. (a/n her office has a room for check ups and a waiting room, it's like a separate wing) Everyone was pacing or twitching, all with nervous looks on their faces.
"What's wrong, Liz?" My dad asked after he stopped pacing. Roman and Patton stopped too.
"He'll be fine, it's only temporary. Come back tomorrow to pick up a new prescription though" Liz told him. Everyone in that room let out a sigh of relief. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.
"H-how long is temporary?" Virgil nervously asked. His voice was so small it made me nervous.
"It depends, but I predict only a few days. He is going to need someone to be with him at all times, and no school. I can write a note for whoever is staying with him" Liz replied. N-no school?
"I'll stay" Roman, Patton, and Virgil all volunteered at the same time. I can't believe they actually want to stay and help me.
"Okay then, you all should be excused from school" Liz said, starting to walk away.
"Wait, are you sure you're allowed to do this?" Pranks asked, stopping Liz in her tracks. She turned around to look at the three.
"Probably but I'll check" Roman said.
"Missy'll most likely let me, but it doesn't hurt to check" Patton replied. For some reason, one of them stayed silent.
"Virgil?" I prompted.
"Most definitely" He answered in a bitter tone. I gave him a 'sorry' look and mouthed ok.
"I can stay" Roman and Patton said at the same time causing both of them to burst out laughing.
"Okay then, I'm going to go back to writing up the notes" Liz said, walking away much faster. Missy laughed at that. My dad suppressed a laugh and folds us to head to the parking lot. Apparently the other three hitched a ride and were now coming with us.
Guess it was settled. I was going to spend the rest of the week with my crushes.

This is going to be fun. What do you think the others will think about the medication? Well anyways, thanks for reading. Comment, vote, whatever.

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