Day three and a serious (not really) conversation

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A/n I just realized I kept saying day implying that is was a new day but all of these happen on the same day, sorry.
[Third person pov]

"Well, the conversation in the kitchen has brought to our attention that we must talk about a hypothetical confession. Do we really want this relationship?" Logan said, starting off the conversation that everyone else was scared to.

"Yes, well at least I do. I want to be able to kiss all of you, romantically cuddle you guys, and not have it be cheating" Patton answered.

"Aw how adorable. Now, how about the other two?" Logan asked. He said it in a very robotic tone which the other two found incredibly funny. Logan had to give them a second before they could answer.

"Oh *pant* okay, I can answer now," Roman said when he finished laughing and regained most of his breath, "My answer is yes. Even though I love Virgil, and he is more than enough, I would like to date all of you. I mean, we basically are already."

"Thanks, Princey. Anyways, my answer is yes too, and no, I am not going to give a whole speech about why" Virgil answered concisely.

"I suppose it is my turn now. Lucky for you guys, answer is yes too. This relationship will be quite enjoyable for all parties involved, and I, too, have romantic feelings towards all of you" Logan answered.

"So, boyfriends then?" Virgil asked. It was only a clarifying question really.

"Definitely" the others answered at the same time.

"Okay, now cuddles" Patton said. It was almost a command.

"Wait, do we want to go public with this?" Virgil asked nervously. The others nodded.

"Do you, Virgil?" Roman asked him. He nodded quickly. Roman smiled at his antics.

"Now cuddles." Patton commanded. It was definitely a command this time.

"Sure thing, Pat" Virgil giggled. He flopped onto the couch with the others. Patton and Virgil were in the middle, Roman was next to Patton, and Logan was next to Virgil.

The four brand new boyfriends cuddle romantically on the couch watching horror movies.

It's official now. They're actually all dating. Did it take them too long to come to that conclusion? Well anyways, thanks for reading. Comment, vote, whatever.

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