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[Logan's pov]

Graduation. I expected to end the year with my only friends being the people who bullied me. Instead, I got three boyfriends. I don't perceive that as a bad thing though. Not bad at all.

"You excited, Logan?" Patton asked. He was obviously excited. Constantly shifting in his seat. He's normally like this though, so who knows.

"Partially" I answered concisely. Ending freshman year was exciting. So was the party after graduation. Some other aspects weren't as   exciting. They were rather sad.

"Why not? We're saying goodbye to freshman year " Roman inquired. Waving his arms around flamboyant way. 'Extra' as all ways. I can't say I hate it, for that would be lying.

"I have to say goodbye to Pranks too" I answered in a rather hushed voice. He was my brother, my protector, and my best friend. I wouldn't know what I'd do without him. I'm going to miss him for sure.

"Oh. I understand, Logan. Missy'll be gone too" Patton said. He rubbed circles into my back. It was soothing and nice. Pranks did that for me after I came home crying. At least I have Pat now.

"I heard my name" Missy said with a smirk as he and Pranks walked our way. Pranks and Missy were going to the same college together. That was nice because they could date easier. Long distance relationship are hard to have. I was happy for him.

"I'm going to miss you guys" Pranks confessed. He started to tear up, and, surprisingly, so did I. I gestured for him to come hug me. He understood.

"I'll come back home every time I can, so you won't have to miss me too much, lil bro" Pranks told me. I smiled and hugged him again. I'm still going to miss him.

"They're calling us up soon. See ya guys at the party" Missy said. They both ran away, waving. It's sad to see them go. It's nice to see them graduate.

"They'll probably call us up soon after, so we should head out" I said, checking my watch that Roman got for me. The three nodded in agreement, and we walked to our seats, waiting to be called up. As we walked up, there was only one thing running through my mind.

Who knew by the end of freshman year that three guys would fall in love with the new kid in a wheelchair?

The end. This story was a long roller coaster of ups and downs. I'm sad for it too end, but it has to. It seemed fitting that Logan would end the book, right? Well anyways, thanks for reading. Comment, vote, whatever.


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