Broken and Bandaged

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~Trigger Warnings: mentions of abuse, mentions of self harm, hints at an eating disorder, mentions of suicidal thoughts, please inform me if there's more~ 

[Virgil's pov]

Roman was inspecting my broken body intently. I hate that woman for doing this, but who am I kidding? I deserve this. Somehow, that sicko is right. I'm a fuck up, a mess, a disgrace, a mistake. Every word, every kick, every cut. I deserve them. I'm just waiting for her to kill me at this point.

"What are those scars from?" Roman asked as he held my arms. My arms that were covered in white and crimson scars. I could see the worry in his eye. He can probably guess.

"M-me. I'm so s-sorry Roman" I managed to stutter out. Wow, I really know how to make things worse. 

"Virg, don't apologize. You did it, you can't change that. I'll help you change it in the future, okay?" Roman whispered to me. He's too sweet. Oh god, I don't deserve him in the slightest.

"I'm s- I mean okay" I whispered back. He gave me a sad smile and got up, probably to get bandages or something.

"Sit still and breathe. This is gonna hurt, but I need to bandage you properly" Roman instructed me. I nodded, and he started to bandage up my cuts.

I hissed every time his nimble finger touched a bruise. His hands were cold and quick to do what they needed to do. Fix my disgusting body. As he was wrapping up part of my torso, I felt him run his fingers across my ribcage. He looked up at me with sad eyes, and I couldn't help but mouth an 'I'm sorry'. He gave me another look, this one a mix of disappointment and worry, then went back to work. Should he be disappointed? Yes. Worried? No. 

"Virg, why?" Roman's trembling voice asked after he cleaned up the bandages.

"I deserve it Roman. I'm a fuck up. The only thing I'll ever do right is die" I said.

"Don't say that. To me, you've done everything right. That woman is what is wrong with your life. I love you, Virgil" Roman said. 

Roman loves me.

Roman loves me.

"I-I love you too, Roman. But I'm ready to end it all"

Sorry, I wanted to finish this last night, but I couldn't focus. Sorry for all the angst. Actually, no I'm not. Enjoy the angst, tiny ones. I have to go to school now. Well anyways, thanks for reading. Comment, vote, whatever.


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