So far, no one in this book is straight

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-Time Skip to Monday-  

[Patton's pov]

Logan invited me over for breakfast, so we could go to school together, how nice of him. We just finished  eating hash browns (a/n if you haven't had hash browns, then you poor child are deprived) and  I was admiring his face. Is that a weird thing to do? 

"Are you ready to go to school Patton?" Logan asked me. He's so formal, it's kinda really attractive. I just met him, I can't be thinking this. I fall into love way too easily. 

"Um yeah" I responded. Was that um necessary Patton? I don't think so, why are you such a flake?

"Hey, where's father?" Pranks asked Logan as he came down the stairs. Logan looks at me weirdly.

"He had to go to work early today, dad is somewhere upstairs" Logan answered. What does he

"Okay, let me grab something from the kitchen and I'll be ready to go" Pranks replied and sped off to the kitchen. I gave Logan a questioning stare.

"My parents are homosexual" Logan explained hesitantly. That makes sense, I'm such an idiot for not realizing that.

[Logan's pov]

He took to my parents being gay really well. That's great, I won't lose the few friends I have. We go to car before continuing the conversation.

  "Oh cool, more LGBTQ+ people in my life" he said.  Wait, more?

"What do you mean by that?" I asked him.

"Well, I'm pan, Roman is bi, and Virgil is gay. How about you, Logan?" He clarifies. 

"Oh, I haven't really thought about it" I told him. My sexuality? I just wanted people to be my friends, I haven't been thinking about dating them!

"Well, how do you feel, romantically and sexually, towards people?" He asked.

"Oh um, I don't think I really want sex" I said. It just doesn't seem appealing. Wait, what if he thinks I'm a freak?

"That's totally fine Logan, that just means you're asexual" He explained to me.

"Does that mean I can't have romantic intrests either?" I asked him, highly worried.

"No no no, not at all" He said quickly.

"Okay, what if I wanted to um have a romantic relationship with someone who is male?" I asked him. Patton's face lit up slightly. I wonder why he would be excited over me liking guys.

"Then you would be homoromantic. How did you figure that out?" He replied.

"Well, I never been interested in girls." I told him truthfully. 

"Understandable" He said.

"Thank you for talking about this with me, it was really helpful" I said.

"You're welcome Logan, you can come to me anytime" Patton said. I flashed him a smile and we were off to school.

I'm definitely going to have to do more research.

I have absolutely no creativity, so I just wrote this chapter to establish everyone's preferences. Sorry if it's shit. Well anyways, thanks for reading. Comment, vote, whatever.


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