Day two involves some interesting reminders and conversations

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[Virgil's pov]
"Yeah, Princey?" I asked. I'm freaking the fuck out. Sound the red alert, I am not okay.
"Patton and I were talking, and I wanted to know if I could share a room with you cause he snore so goddamn much" Roman said, yelling slightly at the end.
"Seriously?" I said, deadpan. You've got to be fucking kidding me.
"What?" He said.
"I was freaking out over say I love you to Logan, and you wanted to ask me about sleeping arrangements!?" I basically yelled.
"Virgil, love, we pretty much confessed our love for each other yesterday" Roman reminded me. Of course, I'm such an idiot.
"Oh yeah..." I trailed off. How could I forget about that?
"We still have to talk about that. Oh speaking of talking, Patton and I also wanted to know what took you so long" Roman said to Logan.
"Well it's kinda hard to wheel yourself back to the living room when you only have your fingers and not your arms, Roman" Logan explained, clearly irritated. I could hear him grinding his teeth as he said it.
"Oh yeah, forgot about that" He said sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck.
"Whatever, can we go back now?" Logan asked, still a little salty.
"Uh sure thing, I'll help you" I said quickly. I walked over to where he was and pushed him to the living room.
Guess we're gonna go have that talk now.

Sorry, I didn't mean for the cliffhanger. Sorry it's so short, too. I feel like an idiot, and I'm just tired, but I still wanted to get this out for you guys. I'm so sorry. Well anyways, thanks for reading. Comment, vote, whatever.

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