11 | HUNG UP

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B. Loski's Point of View

Summer flew by in a flash, like it typically does. Two months of summer goes by like two days. My odd feelings for Naomi only growing and burning into my brain, always so evidently present. Somehow, I got myself tangled in with Sarah. I'm not sure how it even happened. I can't even remember. One day she was just there, suddenly she was my girlfriend, and I didn't want that but I got it.

The first day of school swung back around and here I am. "Sweetie, the bus is going to arrive soon." My Mother told me. I looked up from my plate, "Oh." I stated, drinking the rest of my water quickly. I grabbed my bag and flung it over my shoulder.

"See yes later!" I waved goodbye as I ran out the door, walking quickly to the bus stop. There I saw Naomi, her face in a book. I laughed a little, I walked towards Naomi. She looked up from her book, "Bryce Loski, what's your damage?" Naomi asked, closing her book and smiling at me.

I smirked, "My damage? My damage is we have to go back to school. I don't see the point when I could just dropout." I joked. Naomi rolled her eyes playfully at me, "Sounds like a plan." Naomi said with a laugh, her laughing quickly subsided as her eyes trailed behind me.

I turned around to see Jacob, Sarah, Garret and Taylor. Jacob smiled at me, "Hey man, what's up?" They all walked up and stood beside me. Sarah smiled as she grabbed my hand, "I missed you!" She said cheerfully. I let out a nervous laugh as I nodded, "Yeah."

The bus pulled up in front of us, before any of us could step in, Naomi walked in front of us and into the bus. I watched her walk away, not even paying attention to me. My stomach dropped as I saw her walk away so carelessly. Her face in that book. I don't know anyone my age who actually likes to read, but she does.

"She's acting even weirder than usual." Taylor said with a laugh. I looked over at her, my brows furrowed together, but she didn't see. Garret laughed, "Still a freak though."

My heart sunk into my stomach, closing my eyes for a second as I tried to ignore it. I followed behind the rest of them into the bus as I began think, why didn't I say anything? She's not a freak. I knew that! Why didn't I say anything.

I sat down in the bus, Sarah beside me. I looked back a few rows, Naomi sitting by herself, her face in that book. God, she's so smart. How could someone this young be that smart? And so beautiful while doing absolutely nothing.

And how could I be her best friend and feel so strongly for her without telling everyone? Without protecting and defending her? What's wrong with me?

     "Hey you." I said happily, a smile making its way into my face on instinct, as soon as I saw Naomi it appeared. She looked up at me and smiled, standing up from the curb, "Bout' time."

I chuckled, "You didn't have to wait for me." I told her, she shrugged in response. Naomi's smile grew as she raised a brow, "Who else would you walk home with? You don't want to risk being caught alone.. looking like a loser?" She suggested, smiling a little.

"Eat my shorts." I rolled my eyes playfully. I flung my arm over her shoulder, walking side by side to our houses. I looked down at her, smiling a little.

She carried her books in her hands, looking out in front of her. But I couldn't, I couldn't just get my eyes off her. Why am I so hung up on someone who'll never like me back?

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