One | Start Of A New Day

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Y/n: Your name
F/c: Favorite color
F/t/d: Favorite Time Hortons Drink
N/n: Nickname


Y/n's POV
My name is Y/n, I am 20 years old and I've been blind for as long as I can remember. I have no idea what I look like but people compliment me on my eyes all the time for some reason. I live as any other person in the world does, and at the moment I live in a dorm at my college, UCLA.

I yawn as I open my eyes and wake up. Stretching my arms I turn my head in the direction of where my phone lies.

"Okay Google," I call out.

Hearing the ding I continue, "What time is it?"

After a moment of it loading I get a response. "9:36am."

Sighing I swing my legs off my bed and inhale the morning air. I only have two classes today. I begin to stretch my legs before standing up and walking away from my bed. I then walk over to my dresser and grab a shirt feeling the brail stitched on the inside bottom corner to check what color it is. F/c.

Even though I can't see anything I've always been told how lovely F/c is and how it brings out my eyes.

Putting on the shirt, I open the drawer under the last one and grab a pair of pants. After reading the brail I put on the ripped jeans and grab my brush off the top right corner of my dresser.

Once I'm finished with brushing my hair I approach the door of my room, turn the handle, and walk out.

"Hey Y/n!" Someone calls from my right.

"Hey Gene!" I wave in the direction his voice came from and continue to walk down the hall.

Soon I reach the front door of my dorm and walk out. I begin to inhale the fresh Friday air when I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Y/n~" My best friend's voice sings.
"Kadence~" I sing back and we both laugh.
"I saw you walking down the hall and figured you wanted to go to the cafe."
"You figured correctly." I laugh as we start to walk down the side walk.
"So how many classes do you have today?" Kadence asks.
I smile at her as I whisper in her ear, "Two."

I can tell she has a super angry look on she face when she whines, "That's no faaaaaaiiiiirrrr!"
I laugh at her silliness and soon she joins in.
"I have dance classes all day." She pouts and pokes at me.

I chuckle. "It's not my fault that you chose to major in dance."
"Well-" She cuts herself off and that could only mean one thing.
"ICED COFFEE HERE I COME!!!" She yells as she runs directly into the café.
"Wait for me!" I chuckle as I chase after her into the small campus café.

"Can I get an Iced Coffee and a
f/t/d." I hear her telling the cashier.
"That'll be $9.62."
I hear Kadence fumble with her change before finally placing it on the table.
"Your drinks will be done shortly." The cashier tells her and I assume he walks away to make our drinks.

Kadence then sprints over and pulls me into a seat.
"Calm down Kad." I tell her. I can feel her pretty much jumping in and out of her seat.
"I can't!"

"One Iced Coffee and one f/t/d!"
"That's us!" She cheers and jumps out of her seat to grab our drinks.
"What am I going to do with you Kad." I mumble jokingly to myself when she hops back into her seat and places my drink in my hand.
"Thanks Kad." I say.
"No problem N/n."

For the next hour Kadence and I joke, laugh, and tell stories until Kad's phone buzzes.

I assume Kad looks down at her phone and she goes silent for a moment.
"We have to get to our classes!"
My eyes go wide as I drink the last bit of f/t/d in my cup.

We then both quickly stand up and nearly sprint out the door until we get to where the sidewalk splits.

"See ya N/n!" Kadence yells as I hear her foot steps get farther and farther away.
"Bye Kad!" I wave and then also start to run to my class.

Soon I reach the building and enter it. I can sense tons of people rushing through the halls and my head begins to spin. I can't comprehend where people are which makes it hard to focus on where to walk.
Clenching my head I put my back against a wall and slide down it.
Count to three Y/n. I tell myself.
I then begin to block out all other sounds in the world and clench my eyes shut.

I hear people run past as they rush into one of the three rooms this building contains.
The footsteps suddenly all go away and only one pair of footsteps are left.
I feel a tap on my shoulder and flinch at their touch.

"Y/n?" The person worryingly says my name.
I open my eyes and face up towards them.
"Yes?" I ask still sitting on the floor with my back against a wall and my legs pulled to my chest.
"Tons of people?" He asks.
I nod.
I then feel his hand grab mine and I let him help me up.
"I figured I'd find you out here when I didn't see you in class."

Now on my feet again, we walk down the small hall and into the classroom.
"Everyone take a seat!" Professor Winter calls over the sound of talking students.
He takes my hand and drags me to our usual seats.
We sit and open up out binders and grabbing our pens.
Professer Winter begins her lesson and I write down every word she says.

"Thanks for coming to get me Ethan." I whisper as I continue to write.
"No problem."
Hey guys! I hope you enjoy the first chapter of my new fanfiction "Can You See Me?" If you haven't already please go read my other book "Behind the Mask"
If you enjoyed this chapter just give me a vote and comment.
See ya' guys in the next chapter!

Can You See Me? | Markiplier X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now