Four | Disappearing Act

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Y/n's POV
As I leave campus I check my pockets to make sure that I have my money before I get to far from my dorm
Yup, I got my money.
I continue to walk down the street in the direction of the Chinese place.

With nothing to really think about the only thing that comes to mind is that I should make more friends.

I mean I don't really want any new friends and the two I have are wonderful.
I quicken my pace a little.
If I had more friends then I could possibly have someone to keep the mean people away.
I shake away that thought.
No, you shouldn't just want new friends so they can protect you.

I can tell that I'm a couple blocks from the Chinese place when suddenly there is a loud sound of a clock.
Oh no, I begin to think.
Rush hour.

I then begin to sense hundreds of people rushing by me to get to the rush hour deals at the stores and fast food places.
I cab slowly feel myself begin to hyperventilate but I keep pushing myself to keep going.

Out of nowhere someone bumps into me making me almost fall on the ground, luckily I catch myself my grabbing onto a wall the is somehow next to me.
I have no idea what direction to go in now.
With all the people and the person who accidentally bumped into me I can't decipher what direction I'm facing.

I can feel my body grow hot and I hyperventilate even faster, each breath being faster than the last.
Trying not to have a complete panic attack I grab my phone out of my pocket, but I'm so shakey that it slips out of my grasp and falls on the ground.

What am I going to do now?! I can't really think straight anymore.
I can't reach to grab it or I might fall on the ground and get trampled by tons of people.

Remembering that there is a wall to my right I lean against it and slide down to the ground. I then pull my knees to my chest and try to take up the least amount of space as possible. Unknowingly tears start to pour out my eyes and down my face.

Stop crying Y/n! I try to wipe the tears away only for more to come.
You're not going to die here! I try to stop the tears but they won't stop and just keep pouring out of my eyes like a waterfall.

"Miss?" I hear a man's voice in the distance.
He's too far to be talking to me.
Again I hear the same voice, "Miss?" but this time it's closer.

Out of nowhere I feel a tap on my shoulder making me flinch.
"Miss, are you okay?" The soft gentle voice asks.
I lift up my head but the tears keep coming.

Mark's POV
"And I'll see you guys, in the next video. Bu-bye!" I wave to the camera before turning it off.

Another video finished.

Getting up from my chair I walk into the living room and Chica greets me by licking my bare leg.
I pat her head when my stomach growls.

"Guess it's time to eat something." I say to Chica as I walk into the kitchen.
Looking through all the cupboards I find nothing but an old box of cereal that I've had since I've moved here.
"I guess we're going out to eat today Chica!"

Excited, Chica begins to run around before grabbing her collar for me.
"Good girl." I say as I put the collar around her neck.
"Let's go girl!" I say and go to open the door before I remember that I have no pants on.
"Right." I say and grab a pair of pants off the floor, putting them on.

"Let's go Chica!" I cheer as I open the front door, running to my car.
"You want shotgun?" I look down at the pup and see her tail wagging.
"I'll take that as a yes."

Being a gentlemen I walk over to the passenger side and open the door for Chica.
"Ma'damn." I slightly bow and Motion my left hand toward the opening. Cheerfully, she jumps in and takes a seat, patiently waiting for me to get in.

I finally go to the drivers side and hop in.
"Taco Bell or Chinese?" I ask.
She then barks twice indicating she wants Chinese.
"Chinese it is!"

Pulling out of the driveway I drive down the street towards the closest Chinese place. On my way there I pass the college campus, UCLA, and see students roaming the area and rushing to their classes.
Maybe I should go back to college.

Soon I head the main market area around where I live and hear the large clock chime.
Rush hour.
Suddenly the entire sidewalk and road is crammed as people rush to different fastfood places and stores to get all of the afternoon discounts.

"Ugh," I place my head on the steering wheel.
"I hate red lights during rush hour."

While waiting for the light to turn green I look over at the side walk to see a young women having what looks like a panic attack.
I can see the sweat all over her face from where my car is about two or three yards away. She's hyperventilating and she goes to grab something out of her pocket but it seems to slip out of her grasp and fall onto the ground.

Oh no.
The women then out of no where disappears.
Oh god no.

The light turns green and a spot at the curb opens up. So as fast as humanly possible I swerve my car into the empty space.
"I'll be back in a minute Chica."
I pat her on the head before opening my door and rushing into the crowd.
Hey guys! I know it's pretty late, depending on where you live,  but I wanted to make sure I posted a new chapter today.
Hope you enjoyed. If you did please leave a comment and vote.
See ya'!

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