Fifty-Six | "HIDE ME!"

578 18 8

Y/n's POV

The last day or two I've been busy with so much. I've done tons of packing. Mark, Chica, C/n, Ghost (Mark's car), and I are moving into a a new house. It's closer to UCLA, Ethan's apartment, and a few other people's places. Mark has been so excited and so am I. Besides packing I've also been gettong ready for my final year of college. I'm going to work in hospitals, talking to children who dont have much time left and their parents.

I've applied to the nearby hospital and I'll interning thete for my final year.

So much has happened this last year.

I take a seat at the kitchen table, a cup of tea in my hands. I smile to myself.

I have a family now.

I look downThese last two days haven't been all sunshine amd rainbows though. Julia keeps calling and she came over yesterday to hang out.

It's been taking my whole being not to show her the pictures.

She deserves to know.

I trust Kadence though.

If she needs this time, then I'll guve it to her.

My smile drops as i think about the pictures. I begin to feel anxious, like I need to show Julia.

She thinks that Kad is back home with a sick family member.

I start to hyperventilate.

I need to tell Julia.

My head hurts.

I wish I had never even seen those pictures!

Then none of this would be going on!

My vision starts to go dark and i think I'm going to pass out when the doorbell rings.

I begin to catch my breath and my vision slowly clears up.

I take a long sip of my tea.

The doorbell rings again.

"Just a second!" I yell, getting up.

I place the cup in the sink and wipe down the counter real quick.

There's then banging on the door.

"I said just a second!"

I throw the cloth on the table, annoyed, and start to make my way through the maze of boxes and to the door.

More banging.


I finally make it to the door.

Opening it, someone rushes in past me and slams the door.

"Hide me!" A familiar someone says.

I turn to see Ethan standing behind me, looking scared.

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