Fifty-Five | Clingy

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Y/n's POV

"Y/n." A deep voice whispers in my ear.

"Five more minutes." I groan, rolling over.

"Y/n, wake up."

"Noooo." I mumble into my pillow.

Then silence.

I smile and burry my face deeper into my pillow. All of a sudden coldness encases my body.

I help and jump up really fast.

Through the darkness I can see Mark smirking as he holds the blanket in his hands.

"You bastard." I say. "I'm gonna wipe that smirk off your face!"

And with that I throw myself at him.

I tackle Mark, making us both fall off tge bed and crash onto the carpet.

We're both laughing.

"You okay?" I ask, getting up and lending him a hand.


I pull him up to his feet.

"So why am I awake at-" I cut myself off to look at the clock. "Four in the morning?"

Mark just grabs my hand and drags me over to the closet.

He turns on the light making me sheild my eyes.

"Get dressed." He tells me. "I have a surprise for you."

Thats why I'm sitting in the car with Mark at four-thirty in the morning.

I'm wearing the same outfit that I wore for our anniversary a bit back.

He had it hanging off thr closer door with a little sticky note on it saying, 'Wear me!'

He's so adorable.

I have on the light blue, kind of frilly, dress that is about knee length. With it I have on the same light blue flats with little butterflies on them.

To get down to every little detail Mark even left out the bracket that Ethan got me for my birthday and a light blue flower crown.

I smile as I stare at the passing trees.

He remembers everything.

"Where are we going?" I ask for the millionth time.

Mark just chuckles.

"I know you hate surprises, but just wait."

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