Fifty | Prep

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Accidentally posted the new chapter yesterday. So have another one cause why not.


Y/n's POV

It's about five-fifteen right now so we're getting ready to head over to the park. We got some of the basics like balloons, streamers, tables, and party hats. We also got a crap ton of cake. We got a bunch of cup cakes and then a large cake. On the cake it says, "Happy Birthday Mark! From Fans, Friends, and Family."
It's nice looking.

"Lets take Mark's van." Ethan says.
"Sure. I'll sit in the back with the cake so it wont get ruined." I agree.
"Alright. I already put everything inside. Lets go."
We walk out to the van and Ethan helps me hop into the back before handing me the cake.
I place it on my lap and give him a thumbs up.
Ethan chuckles and closes the back before heading to the front and hopping in.
"Don't let that cake fall." He tells me as we start off to the park.
I roll my eyes.
"I know. Thats why I'm here."
Ethan giggles.

The rest of the car ride is pretty silent. I think we're both nervous about how this is going to turn out.
My heart is racing with anticipation.
I scratch the side of my head, my fingers hitting the bandage around my head. I hold my hand there for a minute.

All these years of pain will be worth it.
Worth it to have Mark be the first thing I see.

The car stops. My heart beats even faster as i realize that we're at the park. I can hear people shouting outside the van. I smile.
"Y/n! Ethan!" A girl yells.
"Whooo!!!" Someone else yells.
I giggle.
I hear the van door open.
My smile only grows as I hear some people cheering.
"Hey everyone!" I wave to them as i get out, the cake in my other hand.
I set the cake back in the van because we dont need it out until Mark gets here.
"There's about thirty people it looks like." Ethan tells me.
I nod.
"I think more might show up as we're setting up."
I drag my cane across the ground as i walk into the grass.
"Okay everyone!" I shout, getting everyone's attention.
"Mark will be hone from PAX in two hours! We have all of that time to set up!" I say.
"I think we should split everyone up into teams." I turn tonmy right.
"About thirty you said?" I ask.
"Yup." Ethan says.
"Everyone in groups of five or six!" I shout.
There's shuffling and talking as people split off into their groups.
"I need a group to decorate the area, one to set up table, another to go out and buy a few different games, and then one to come with me to pick up Mark's present from the mall." I say.
"Then the free group can help out another group."
Thered mumbling as they all decide what they want to do.
"We'll do tables." A guy says.
"Alrught. Tables and stuff to go on tables is over here." Ethan says.
I hear them walk past me and towards the van.
"We'll do decorations!" A little girls voice says.
"Okay! You guys can go over to the van and have Ethan show you where the decorations are."
More shuffling past me.
"We got the games." Someone else says.
"And we last two groups want to go to the mall with you."
I nod.
"Who wants to drive?" I ask as i hear the two groups approach me.
"I will." A guy says.

As soon as all the decorations and tables are out of the car we head off to the mall. There I pick up Mark a steam gift card, a Nintendo Switch, and a few games to go with it.
The two groups who came with me also pick up a few things for him.
It touches me how much they love Mark. Its almost like we're all one big and happy family.
We then drive back to the park.

"Woah," A few people gasp.
"What is it?" I ask.
"Theres a ton of people here." Emma, one of the girls, says
"Good thing we picked up more cupcakes." Jake chuckles.
"Well lets get out there and help them. We have to get these presents in one large pile too."

We all get out and take the presents with us. I carry the gift bag full of stuff that i got him along with a tray of cupcakes.
"Y/n!" Ethan shouts.
He sounds slightly out of breath.
"There's so many people here. Its amazing."
My heart swells with warmth.
"Did you guys finish setting up?" I ask.
"Yup." He responds.
"Good. Can you get a few people to help out with getting all the cake onto one of the tables?"
"Of course."
Ethan yells for a few people to come and help us out.
He pats me on the head before running over to the van himself.
I giggle and continue walking.
"Hi Y/n!" A high pitched girls voice greets me.
"Hello!" I greet her.
"I'll take the cupcakes from you. The present table is this way."
I let the girl take my arm and lead me across the field.
"Its not really a present table anymore because theres so many."
I chuckle.
"Whats your name?" I ask her.
"Wendy." She tells me.
"Well Wendy, thank you." I say.
We stop and I add my present to the pile on the ground around the table.
"I'm gonna go put the cupcakes away. It was nice to meet you finally Y/n!" Wendy says as she runs away.
"You too Wendy!"

An alarm suddenly goes off behind me. All the talking stops and i feel everyones gaze in my direction.
"Time to soak your bandages." Ethan tells me.
I nod and let him pour the liquid onto the bandage.
"We've all been meaning to ask what the bandages around your face were for." A guy says
"Oh! I completely forgot to tell all of you!" I face palm.
"I got a surgery and there's a good chance that I'll be able to see again with it! When Mark gets here I'm gonna take off the bandages!" I tell them.
Everyone awes and claps.
"So Mark will be the first person that you see." Someone else comments.
My phone suddenly starts to go off.
I pull it out of my bavk pocket and answer it. Everyone remains quiet.

"I just landed!" Mark's cheerful voice comes through the phone.
"Really? Well I'll have Ethan pick you up cause I'm not really feeling good at the moment." I tell him.
"Oh Y/n! Im so sorry. I'll give you lots of healing kisses when i get home."
I giggle.
"Perfect. I'm feeling better already hearing your voice." I smile.
"Well I'll see you soon."
I nod.
"See you soon."
I hang up.

"It's go time everyone!" I shout.
"Well I'll be back soon guys. Id say to hide, but theres no way that sixty people will be able to hide in an open field." Ethan says.
Everyone laughs.
"Bye!" Everyone says and I wave to him as he heads to the van.

Almost time.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! If you did please vote and comment how excited you are!
See ya' in the next chapter!

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