Forty-One | Sunset

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Y/n's POV

Soon the multiple rounds of uno ends and we say bye to Bob and Wade.
"Well it was nice to meet you Y/n." Bob says.
"Yeah, you're pretty cool." Wade adds.
I smile.
"Thanks guys! Y'all are great too." I tell them with a slight giggle at the end.
"Well I'll talk to you guys later." Mark says.
"Bye!" We all say at the same before the call ends.
"That was a lot of fun." I say, leaning back against Mark.
"Even though you couldn't see the game?" I nod.
"You guys yelling was enough to make me laugh my pants off."
Mark chuckles and kisses my forehead.
"Well why don't you go get dressed. I have something special planned for our anniversary." He says.
A large smile cakes my face.
"Really? You're such a sweetheart you big doof." I then give him a quick kiss before hopping up and going as fast as I can, without dying, to my room.
"Fancy or casual?!" I yell in question.
"Casual!" He yells back.
With that information I put on a light blue, kind of frilly, dress that is about knee length. It's kind of casual...I think. With it I put on some light blue flats with little butterflies on them.
To top off the whole thing, I put on the bracket that Ethan got me for my birthday and a light blue flower crown.
Pleased with my options, I grab my cane and head downstairs.

"Mark!" I yell once I'm at the bottom.
"Kitchen!" He yells back in response.
Closing my cane, I walk towards thw kitchen to find Mark.
"Hey do you-" He stops midsentence.
"Is something wrong?" I ask.
He's slient for a moment.
"I mean, no!" He says.
"You just look so stunning."
I smile as I feel a blush coming onto my face.
"I'm sure you look amazing too." I say.
"Well of course i do." He says.
Chuckling, I walk over to him amd lean against the counter.
"So why are we in the kitchen?" I ask.
"Oh! Right." Something clicks in his brain.
"Carrots or celery?" He asks.
"Hmmm....both?" I reply more like a question.
"Why not." He agrees and i hear plastic drop inside of something.
"What was that?" I question.
"A picnic basket." He tells me.
"The rest is a surprise." I nod.
I then hear him pick it up from the table as he takes hold of my hand.
"Let's go."

The car ride is silent.
When we first started to drive I kept asking where we were going, but he wouldn't give me an answer.
The car suddenly comes to a halt and I hear Mark unbuckle his seatbelt.
"We're here." He says.
Nodding, I take off my seatbelt and exit the car, cane in hand.
I hear Mark open up the back door to get out the picnic basket.
"Where are we?" I ask as he closes it.
Mark chuckles.
"We have to go down some stairs before we're there exaxtly." He says.
He then takes my hand and leads me to wherever we need to go.

The air on my bare legs makes me shiver. It isn't cold at all, but I can tell that the sun will be setting very soon.
"The stairs start here." He warns.
I hum in response and move my cane around to make sure I don't run my foot into anything.
We only end up walking down five steps before my shoes sink into the spft ground beneath us.
"Huh?" I question.
I'm about to bend down and touch the ground when Mark stops me.
"Don't." He says sternly.
So I dont.
After walk a few more feet we come to a stop and Mark lets go of my hand. I hear him unfold something and lay it on the ground before us.
"Sit." He says.
I do.
He takes a seat next to me and pulls me into his lap, kissing the back of my head. I can feel his smile. Looking up, there's a bright light so I squint my eyes.
"What's wrong?" Mark asks.
"The bright light." I say.
We stay silent for a bit longer.
"Where are we?" I ask.
"The beach." He finally tells me.
I light up inside.
"Really?!" I ask. "Why?" I add.
"To see the sunset. It'll start soon."
I raise my eyebrow.
"Uh...I'm blind Mark...remember?"
He chuckles.
"I know." He says.
Still confused, I don't question it.

"The sky looks how warm feels." He says.
"What?" I ask.
"Imagine a cozy blanket that keeps you from being cold."
I finally realize what he's doing.
"The clouds look like soft pillows that you would fall asleep on the second your head hits them."
I smile.
"They remind me of sheep."
A small giggle leaves me.

"Now it's slowly fading from warm to spring time. Blooming flowers and warming up air. The blush on a school girl as she sees her crush walk by."
I rest my head against Mark's chest.

"Now it's cold looking. Like fall turning into winter, but not quite winter yet."
I imagine everything he's describing to me.
"It's finally sweater weather and you put on your softest one. It's chilly, but nothing that you can't handle."
I close my eyes and listen to his deep and soothing voice.

"Now it's cold. The first fallen snowflake. Christmas season. There's not in the air and the cold bites at your cheeks. Hats, gloves, winter jackets, and scarfs. Kids are making snow angles outside and others are making snowballs. Then finally New Years."

He stops and I open my eyes.
"Now there's specks of light that glitter the sky. All new chances of making life. Innocent and young. They shine as bright as your eyes."
He shifts and I can feel him looking at me. A slight hotness dusts my face.
"Sounds beautiful." I say.

"Not as beautiful as you."

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I really love this one. I think it's cute how Mark is trying tl describe sunsets to her.
If you enjoyed this chapter please vote and comment if you celebrate Christmas. If not, what do you celebrate?
See ya' in the next chapter!!!

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