Forty-Two | Airport

850 27 15

Y/n's POV

Someone taps my shoulder.
"Y/n?" The voice asks.
I turn my head in their direction.
"Yeah ------?" I question.
"I-...I don't want to fight." He tells me.
I sigh and put my hand over his.
"Neither do I. Sadly we don't have a choice." I remind him.
"I wish it didn't have to be like this." I chuckle.
"Well-" I get cut off by the sound of loud explosions outside.
My eyes widen.
"That can't be-" ----- cuts himself off as he runs to check what the sound was.
Meanwhile I stand from my chair and sprint to grab my gun.
More explosions.
"They're attacking!!" ----- screams as he runs back into the room.
I toss him his gun.
"Well," I cock my gun. "Let's do this."


My eyes shoot open as I quickly sit up out of bed. It almost feels like I can't breathe. I try to take in deep breaths, but it's not helping.
"Y/n?" Mark groggily mumbles my name.
"Y/n?" He says, sounding a bit more awake.
I turn toward him and flail my hands all around, trying to tell him what's wrong.
"I'll get the inhaler!" He says and then I hear something slam into the floor.
"I'm fine!" Mark yells and I hear the door open.
It doesn't take him long at all to come back.
"Open." He tells me.
I open up my mouth and he puts in the inhaler. Closing my mouth, he pushes down the top and I suddenly feel like I'm catching my breath.
"You okay?" He asks.
I nod.
I nod.
He sighs.
"Well why don't you get some clothes on, I should get packing for Pax."

That's right!
He leaves at five in the morning.
Wait, then what time is it?

"Okay Google." I say as I pick up my phone.
It dings.
"What time is it?" I ask.
"It is three am."
With that I get up and throw on a shirt on Mark's floor.
It could be mine or it could be his.
I feel it hit my upper thigh and immediately know it's Mark's.
I also notice that it's a button up.
I start to do it up, leaving a few at the top undone and exposing part of my chest.
"Mark!" I yell as I walk into the hall.
"Yeah?" He asks from next to me, making me jump.
He chuckles.
"I'm taking a shower. Would you like to join me?" He questions, his tone suductive.
My face goes red.
"S-sure." I stutter.
He chuckles again.
Mark then takes my hand and we start to walk toward the bathroom.
"That flannel looks really good on you." He whispers in my ear, his voice very deep.
My face heats up again.
Entering the bathroom, I close the door and strip from the shirt as Mark turns on the water.
"I really wish you didn't have to go." I say.
"You do know that you could come."
I roll my eyes.
"You know I have a doctors appointment over the time you'll be gone." I say.
We both get in and the warm water feels nice on my body.
"Why don't you come for a day and then you could fly back with Ethan."
He suggests.
I begin to think about it while Mark wraps his arms around my bare stomach.
"I'm pretty sure he wouldn't mind. I think he was going to leave early anyways."
He kisses the back of my neck.
"Well we'll call him when we get out." I say.
Mark mumbles a 'yay!' as he sucks on the side of my neck.
"Yeah yeah." I smile and turn around to plant a kiss on his lips.

"Come on Mark!" I yell from the kitchen.
Ethan agreed to fly back with me.
He was going to be flying back to LA anyways because he's going to help me figure out Mark's present for his birthday.
"I'm coming!" He yells in response.
There's then a loud crashing sound that comes dosn the stairs.
"Ow..." Mark's voice is muffled by what I'm guessing is the floor.
"Are you alright?" I ask, running over to him.
"I'm fine." He says.
"I only fell down half the stairs."
I roll my eyes and help him up.
"Well lets get everything into the car; we gotta pick up Ethan."
Both Mark and I grab a suitcase and rush out the house. We throw our suitcases into the trunk before hopping in the car and flying to Ethan's.

"What's up guys." Ethan yawns as he hops into the backseat.
"Someone's not a morning person." I giggle.
I can basically hear the eye roll come from him.
"You know this already. We woke up early all the time for classes." He says.
"Oh I know." I giggle again.
"Well then lets get this show on the road!" Mark cheers and off we are to the airport.

We manage to make it to the airport with little time to get to the actual plane. It was like one of those koves where everyone is falling over to run to their flight. Only difference was that we had to go through security first. I hit both Mark and Ethan a few times because I can't exactly see where I'm going.
"Right!" Mark yells.
We make a right and run a bit more until they both grab onto me to stop me.
"Tickets." A woman says.
We all show our tickets.
"Go ahead."
We then sprint down the hall and get onto the plane just before they're about to close the door.
Getting into pur seats, I sigh.

"That was close."

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you did please vote and comment what you think Mark's present is going to be.
See ya' in the next chapter!

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