Thirty | What Did I Do

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S/n - State Name

H/t - Hometown in said state.


Kadence's POV

What did I just do.

Nathan and I lay next to each other. The only thing covering us are the covers. I turn to look at him and see he's already staring at me with a huge smirk in his face. I furrow my eyebrows.
"You're my greatest accomplishment yet." He says and then kisses me on the forehead.

I'm way too tired to be angry about that.

I open my mouth to speak when he puts his index finger over my lips saying, "Shhhhh."
I roll my eyes before letting them close.
Just as I feel myself start to drift off, there's a loud knocking coming from the front door.
My eyes automatically fly open.
"Kadence!" I hear Y/n yelling.

What is she doing here?
Never mind that, how did she know I even was here?

Nathan and I glance at each other, not saying a word because our engaged eyes speak for themselves.
"Kad?!" Ethan yells.

Him too?!

Nathan slowly gets out of bed and starts to get dressed, gesturing for me to do the same.
I slowly rise from the bed and start to look for my clothes.
They had been tossed all around the room when we had entered.
As I start to get my pants on he heads out the bedroom and toward the door.
"Nathan? Kadence?" The pounding has gotten louder.
"Stay in here." He whispers and slips out the door.
I just focus on getting my clothes back on, including his shirt I had to change into earlier.
Next, I just sit on the large bed and think about what I've just done.

She can't know about this.

Regret starts to sink in.

I love her and this would ruin everything we've built.

My hands begin to visibly shake.

I don't want to loose her.
I love her too much.

Tears fall down long before I even notice.

"What are you guys doing here?" Nathan asks, acting confused.
"We're looking for Kadence and we're told she left with you." Y/n says.

I gag at how disgusted I am of myself.

"Oh! Yeah, she was looking pretty down when she walked in." He says.
"She left about ten minutes ago. I'm surprised you didn't see her on your way here." He lies.
For a split second there's silence.
"Maybe she went back to the dorms. Thanks for trying to cheer her up." Ethan says.
"No problem."

What will she think of me if she found out.

I feel like I'm going to vomit.
Leaning over, I cover my mouth.

"Are you okay?"
I jump at the feeling of someone touching my shoulder.
It's just Nathan.
"I have to go." I tell him as I stand up and head out the room.
"Why go so soon?" He asks.

I'm gonna be sick.

"This should have never happened."
I reach for the doorknob but Nathan steps in front of me.
"Why not? Didn't you have fun?"
I cover my mouth again as I gag.
"Fine." He sighs.
"Just call me any time you need" He winks at the end and hands me a piece of paper.
I glare and push past him.
"Thus will never happen again." I say, opening the front door.
"Why not?" He questions.
I stop and hesitate for a moment.

"Because I love my girlfriend."
I then slam the door and run back toward campus, tears streaming down my face.

Y/n's POV

When we get back to campus Ethan volunteers to go see if Kad is back since I have a class.
I thank him before running to my class so I'm not late.

- - -

Finally the day ends and Mark picks me up. I tell him to head to IHOP for me to buy him dinner.

We're sitting at a table when our food finally gets served to us.
Mark chuckles.
"What?" I ask, half of a pancake already in my mouth.

(A/n - Sorry if you don't like pancakes)

"I don't think I've ever seen someone want pancakes so badly at 7pm." He laughs.
Swallowing my food I join in his laughter.
"Well I'm one of a kind Mark."
I shoot him a smile.
"You sure are." I hear him whisper.
My whole face flushes red.
"So..." I trail off.
"How come you live in such a big house all alone?" I ask, brushing off what he just said.
"I have Chica and you, so I wouldn't call that all alone." I chuckle.
"Fine, then are you from around here?" I ask.
"No, I'm from Cincinnati Ohio."
I nod.
"It's a very beautiful place. What about you?" He questions.
I shake my head with a frown.
"I'm from h/t S/n." I tell him.
"It's alright there I guess. Not really my cup of tea though."
I pick up my drink and take a sip.
"Sometimes you just have to get away." I add.
"I get that." He says. "Why L.A. though?"
I shrug my shoulders and set down my drink on the table.
"It's warm and far enough from my home town." I say.
"Sometimes it's too warm though." I give him a smile.
"Well then we'll just have to go swimming in my pool then." Mark says with a deep, adorable, chuckle at the end.
"You have a pool?!" I ask, probably a but too loudly.
"Uh, yeah. You haven't seen it yet?" He asks, a bit confused on how I could miss seeing a huge pool in his backyard.
" I haven't." I feel my face heat up once again.
"Then I guess we know exactly what we're doing when we get home." Mark says with a hint of mischief in his voice.

Hey guys!! If you enjoyed this chapter please vote and comment your favorite season...cause why not?
I'll see ya' in the next chapter!!!

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