Fifty-One | "It-It..."

729 31 61

Mark's POV

"Please turn off all electronic devices and put back in your seat belts; we will be landing shortly."
I quickly do as they ask without any hesitation.
I feel like a giddy little kid.
I cant wait to spend my birthday just hanging out with Y/n and maybe a few of out other friends.
At PAX I got to celebrate with Bob, Wade, Jack, Molly, and Mandy.
We had gone out for lunch.
Even though it was simple, it was tons of fun. Now I just want to chill.
The plane lands and everyone starts to get up and grab their carry-on.
I do the same before rushing into the airport.
As I'm on my way to bagage claim I give Y/n a call and she tells me that Ethan is coming to pick me up and that she doesnt feel so great.
I frown as i spot my black suitcase.
I pull it off the conveyer belt and make my way towards the exit.
I dont have to wait for long until i get a call from Ethan.

"Hey Mark!" He sounds super enthusiastic.

"Hey! You outside?" I ask.

"Yup! I got the van so I should be easy to spot." I chuckle.

"Alright, I'm heading out now."

I hang up and slide my phone into my pocket. Gripping my luggage, I push open the doors and step out into the warm LA air. Im not even standing there for a minute when I start to sweat. I smile.

"I missed the heat...kind of."

I look all around through the dozens of different cars. Just like Ethan said, it isnt hard to spot the van. I head towards it and wave to Ethan to get his attention.

He waves back and hops out. He jogs over and takes my carry-on from me.

Together we put my stuff in the back.

As I'm putting in my suitcase I notice glitter on the floor of the van.

"Whats with the glitter?" I ask, slightly confused.

"Uh...Im not sure. I didnt look in the back before taking it." He tells me.

"Probably just from one of the videos and I can't remember." I shrug it off.


Shutting the doors, we both hop in. The drive begins and Disney songs play off of Ethan's phone. I chuckle as I begin to sing along like we always do on road trips.

Do you wanna build a snowman?

Come lets go and play.

He turns his head to me as he sings the next two lines.

I never see you anymore, come out the door. It's like you've gone away!

He turns back to the road and we then sing together.

We use to be best buddies, and now we're not. I wish you would tell me whyyyyyyy.

Do you wanna build a snowman?

It doesn't have to be a snowman.

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